Friday, August 26, 2011

Google is definitely Getting Tough! | Local Small Business Advertising

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 at 7:30 pm ?

There certainly are a lot of automated blogging programs out there. These products are built upon spiders that crawl the web looking for content that matches key terms that you have put into the program. Then they take the content they discover and place it on your site. You reap the benefits of having a website that is full of content that is updated frequently without having to do the actual work of creating that fresh content yourself. It might appear to be it is a fantasy that is coming true. Except that?

It looks like Google is gearing up for a considerable cracking down on these sites that aren?t filled with original content. They are settling measures in place that will let them to check on your site?s content to make sure that it hasn?t shown up somewhere else first. If your blog makes use of mostly copied and borrowed material, you could get in considerable trouble. At the very minimum you will lose credibility in the eyes of Google. So what happens to the folks who want to create an automated business?

This primarily means that the business owners and creators out there are going to have to learn how to actually work hard or find the money to pay others to work hard for them. This is really a fantastic thing. It defends the interest of folks who have worked hard to make original content. This also helps make certain that a person is building a genuine company. If you aren?t very good at creating or composing content for your site, you need to pay someone to create that content for you. Trust us when we say that the expense shall be worth it.

The real fact is that, on the net, there are lots of sites that are constructed upon the hard work of others. These websites use plagiarized content and then generate profits by slapping up a bunch of advertisements. While this is often a great way to earn a few extra dollars, if you get caught you can be confident that you are going to get into some major trouble. Taking content material is kind of a big deal, after all. Universities all over the planet expel students for such things as not correctly citing their sources. Imagine the legal action you will be facing if you don?t credit your source appropriately or even just blatantly steal someone else?s intellectual property! Isn?t it simpler just to do your own publishing and creating?

The real truth is that if you really want to make money, you need to be prepared to do some real work. Google is trying to encourage the people who are doing that hard work while punishing the people who are stepping on the backs of the hard workers. This is a good thing. It is going to help even the internet between the people who work hard and genuinely want to help people and develop a business online and those who simply want to make a quick buck or two but don?t want to do the work.

So web people should be ready to do some serious and hard work. Google is simply itching to smack down those who won?t be willing to put in a real effort!

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