Friday, September 30, 2011

When Sales Teams Come Together ? How to ... - Rewiring Business

In recent months we have seen a large swing in the amount of large deal mergers and acquisitions (M&A) that have been occurring. Some of the more famous ones include Microsoft?s purchase of Skype and more recently Sony?s acquisition of US firm Micronics.

Bearing this in mind and looking back at previous M&A?s, this series will be looking at some of the critical success factors one must take into consideration when combining two companies from a sales standpoint. We will touch on a series of points, aimed at all readers, to begin to understand to some level the challenges and partial solutions to bringing together a sales team.

The Discovery State Analysis

Once you have your two teams in front of you, it is vital to get deep under the skin of these two teams and understand the various cultures, processes, methodologies, market approaches, behaviours and skills that each team has. These will be the aspects that seperate the two teams and finding some common ground must be the first step in creating a uniformed sales processes that both teams can relate to.

To in this, we should look at the following criteria to get the best understanding:

Identifying the key stakeholders within both teams and bringing them together to begin to understand the processes of each team.

Once we have the key parties together, we must then understand the current processes that each?team uses. this can be gained from a variety of sources varying from documented processes, automated systems, interviews with the key stakeholders etc?.

This includes various questionnaires and interviews with the respected sales teams to understand their processes, gaps and problems to really get under the skin of the sales?processes to help understand the?new directions that must?be taken for success. ?

Once we have this information, we must then build the correct and best sales process possible incorporating elements from both teams and other sources.

This is the roadmap that the company will take to implement the new process. it should be well documented with all critical players identified to ensure success of the project.

The project can be trialed with a few select members of each sales team to test is viability and success before it is rolle out to the full sales teams.

Review and Refine
The sales process can then be refined if anything pops up during the trial stage to ensure it is fully complete and ready to action

The new process has been finalised and is ready to be rolled out across all the sales team. This can be delivered during a sales kickoff or conference to ensure that the vision is shared and understood. Relevant trainings can also be given here and the team can leave the conference ready to implement the new processes fully.

Consistent Review
It is vital to look back on regular intervals to ensure that the process is working and that it is utilised to ensure maximum sales productivity and performance

After doing this, you should have a good roadmap on where you should be taking this new sales team and you can then look at the practical application of this new approach.

Next week we will be looking at some of the key aspects of identifying the right processes and management tools to roll out and build your new sales organisation ready for aligned and collective success.


As well as being the founder and MD of Rewiring Business, Umar Gill is a sales and business development professional working within the FTSE 100, Fortune 500, CAC40 and the Private Equity Market. His sales blog is called Rewiring Sales and can be found here at Rewiring Business and various articles are available at the CGC. He can be contacted on


About the Author


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Gases deep in Earth may reveal planet origins

The same process that gives rise to earthquakes and volcanoes may also have trapped primordial gases from the formation of the solar system deep inside the Earth, a new study finds.

The process, called subduction, occurs when one tectonic plate slides under another. This geologic process happens most famously around the " Ring of Fire," the quake- and volcano-prone loop that traces down the west coast of the Americas and back up the far eastern Pacific. The new study finds that noble gases, a family of odorless, colorless gases including helium and neon, can get caught up in this process. Geologic forces drag the gases out of the atmosphere and into the Earth's viscous mantle layer below the crust.

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Earlier research found that the composition of a noble gas, neon, in the mantle, is very similar to the composition of neon in meteorites. Those findings suggested that perhaps Earth's gases came from the same rain of meteorites that caused the craters on Earth's moon.

The new research, published Sept. 25 in the journal Nature Geoscience, calls that conclusion into question, said study researcher Mark Kendrick, an earth scientist at the University of Melbourne in Australia.

"Our study suggests a more complex history in which gases were also dissolved into the Earth while it was still covered by a molten layer, during the birth of the solar system," Kendrick said in a statement.

Gassy Earth
The mantle itself is at least 3 miles (5 kilometers) below the Earth's surface, and that's if you were to start digging in deep sections of the ocean, where the crust is the thinnest. The continental crust is at least 20 miles (30 km) thick. So Kendrick and his colleagues collected rocks from the mountains of Italy and Spain that were once subducted into the mantle but were later lifted back up by the collision of tectonic plates. These serpentine rocks come in a variety of colors, but they're named for their scaly appearance and frequent green hues. More importantly for Kendrick and his colleagues, serpentines are often well-traveled.

"The serpentine rocks are special because they trap large amounts of seawater in their crystal structure and can be transported to great depths in the Earth's mantle by subduction," Kendrick said.

The researchers analyzed the gases trapped in the rocks and found that noble gases from the atmosphere can be trapped in the rocks when they form close to the seafloor. Later, the rocks ? and their gaseous payload ? get subducted into the mantle, forming a sort of conveyor belt for delivering gases into the depths of the Earth.

The findings are important for understanding how the Earth first formed, Kendrick said.

"Our findings throw into uncertainty a recent conclusion that gases throughout the Earth were solely delivered by meteorites crashing into the planet," he said. Instead, churning geologic forces may have pulled gases into a molten Earth during the very birth of the solar system, Kendrick said.

You can follow LiveScience senior writer Stephanie Pappas on Twitter@sipappas. Follow LiveScience for the latest in science news and discoveries on Twitter @livescience and on Facebook.

? 2011 All rights reserved.


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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Amazon's gamble: Why a tablet comes next

By Wilson Rothman

As we reporters file into our seats for Amazon's big product unveiling Wednesday morning, the air won't exactly be thick with suspense. Amazon has long been rumored to be launching a tablet, and recent leaks have spilled essentially all the crucial details. But what's more, Amazon must launch a tablet ... right now ... or else.

Yet despite the inevitability of a Kindle tablet ? the retailer's answer to the popularity of both the iPad and the Barnes & Noble Nook Color ??Amazon is taking a big risk. Not only is it alienating two of its most goliath frenemies, Apple and Google, but it's allegedly rushing its development process a bit, in order to get product out in front of the holiday season.

OK, so first, why does Amazon have to do it? For starters, despite the massive popularity of the e-ink Kindle, there is a huge limitation to the format. Sure it's light and has a battery that lasts practically forever, and its price is dropping precipitously every 6 to 12 months. But you can't do cookbooks, children's books or magazines on it, and you certainly can't stream TV.

Barnes & Noble is a book and magazine seller, and yet that company has launched a product that does more than anything Amazon's Kindle can. And word on the street is, B&N is ready to follow up the Nook Color with something more powerful.

Amazon is a media giant. It rakes in money not just for paper books and shiny silver discs, but digital copies of music, movies and TV shows. It works with the best media sales models too: it offers subscription all-you-can-eat streaming video, but it also lets you rent or buy premium new releases a la carte, and of course download MP3 albums too ??mostly at competitive prices.?

Follow Wilson's live coverage of the Amazon tablet launch starting at 9:30 a.m. Eastern/6:30 a.m. Pacific on Twitter at?@wjrothman, and make sure you come back to?'s Technolog?for every last detail.

Where does all this content get eaten? Until recently, the PC was the only thing that could do it all, but people only gobble up so much on their PCs.

Smart TVs and set-top boxes are a nice budding category, but Amazon has to compete with a lot of small players, and the small fries can play much more nicely with Apple and Google and Microsoft. Amazon can't do that.

Amazon has done a lot of toe-dipping in the smartphone world, but so far not a lot of deep-diving. There are Kindle readers ??dare you to read a book on your phone???and now there's an Android cloud music player. But there's no media hub.?

Tablets! That's the ticket. With a 7-inch tablet, you can watch movies and read books, stream music and shop for more. The battery can last far longer than a computer, and you don't need an Itty Bitty Book Light when you're up past lights-out.?

Only two problems: Google's Android tablets have been overpriced and underappreciated in the general populace. And Apple wants to sell its own books, movies and music, and keeps a close eye on what does or doesn't happen in its App Store???the only place besides the Web that a third party can reach an iPad owner.?

The solution: Amazon has to build its own.

But Amazon doesn't have a ton of experience in hardware. And to make things worse, the team largely responsible for the success of the e-ink Kindle, an in-house design team called Lab 126, is allegedly not part of the development group working on the Kindle tablet.?

That came out in a recent expos? by GDGT's Ryan Block, along with the more unnerving notion that Amazon made some pretty severe compromises with industrial design and product specs in order to get a product in the hands of customers this Christmas. Scariest of all is Block's allegation that another Kindle tablet is due in the first quarter of 2012! And it'd be "the device Amazon really believes in."?

Even a compromised Amazon Kindle tablet???or Kindle Fire, according to the rumors???will sell well, for the reasons I outlined above. Barnes & Noble's Nook Color tablet was great but definitely underpowered, and even though it now has a richer operating system, an upgraded Nook Color would probably make the current model look pitiful.

But Amazon wouldn't want to come out looking like they half-baked their debut tablet.

Another concern is Amazon's use of Google's Android operating system. We always assumed Amazon???which runs its own Android app store???would embrace Android. But we also assumed it would ignore Google's rules and regulations, because it's counterproductive for Amazon to sell a rank-and-file Google product.

The result is a bit of a confusing situation: While Amazon's tablet will run an existing Android OS version, it will likely have its own look and feel, run a subset of specially adapted Android apps, and will not be part of the Android community. It certainly won't be anywhere near the front of the line for OS updates and other Google-granted perks.

The end result is that Amazon is going it alone. Any semblance of friendship with the other colossi is hereby chipped away, leaving behind the cold stare of competition.?

Does the company have what it takes? It certainly knows its way around media, and media seems to be crucial to a tablet's success. But unless Amazon sharpens its focus on the hardware and software development, and delivers quality gadgets, that cloud-based media goodness will be wasted.

Follow Wilson's live coverage of the Amazon tablet launch starting at 9:30 a.m. Eastern/6:30 a.m. Pacific on Twitter at?@wjrothman, and make sure you come back to?'s Technolog?for every last detail.

More on the still-alleged Amazon Kindle tablet from


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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How To Plan A Disaster Recovery Plan When Selecting Colocation ...

The need for a disaster recovery plan in any business large or small, cannot be gained said. Tragedies can occur to a business at any time and the causes are a lot, varying from ordinary causes to terrorist activities. Daily the businesses that decide on colocation face the risk of loosing vital data. The cost of such data loss is immense and can even lead to the closure of the business according to the scope of the loss and the type of business. For example, think about the loss of data for an internet store that could lead their website to be offline for a long time. The businesses that choose colocation in UK services for their websites come across this and a lot of other risks.

A disaster recovery plan is a group of procedures and put in place processes that are supposed to make sure that vital resources that are needed for central business functions are kept and backed up. Disaster recovery plans should handle all places of the business starting from human resources to data management. Businesses that use server colocation services need to put their concentration on disaster recovery plans for their data.

Avoiding data loss and preventing calamities where possible is the first step in disaster recovery in collocation services. Prevention will include physical security checks and clearance, training of personnel on disaster recovery and having back up systems for your data. Disaster prevention plans will help the business recover soonest and with minimal interruptions to key functions.

The other step for a tragedy recovery plan for users of colocation services is in making sure there is stability in time of a tragedy. Regardless of the cause and extent of the damage caused, a business needs to continue with its core business to avert further losses. The truth is that this is the reason as to why disaster recovery plans for collocation users are called business continuity plans. This indicates that backup data and other resources like working place/area should be in place to allow the central operation of the business to go on uninterrupted.

Companies making use of colocation can decide between getting a hot site or cold site for their business stability during a tragedy. A hot site stands for safe premises that have resources like data backup storage, servers, other office equipment and sometimes food and clothing that can be used in case of a calamity. Nevertheless, a cold site is a safe building ready to be installed but has vital resources that employees can move in and put their equipment in place incase there of a tragedy.

In addition, users of colocation service should have a recovery means. Following the tragedy, significant data resources and other resources vital to the operation of the business are supposed to be put back. This should place the business back to its natural operation and performance levels. Following a tragedy and according to the level of damage to the colocation user?s running reinstatement may involve getting optional working places and machines. Also, it could mean merely putting back vital data lost through a security breach on the internet.


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New 'Dark Shadows' Photos Reveal Bloody Johnny Depp

Much ado has been made over the first photos of "Dark Shadows," Tim Burton and Johnny Depp's next highly-anticipated film together. First we got a look at Depp in crazy heavy white makeup, which had a lot of dedicated fans more than miffed, and then came the first official photo, complete with proper lighting and [...]


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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

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Boxing's larcenists must not be allowed to judge at London Olympics - The Guardian

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Michael Vick practices again, will play vs. Giants - Boston Herald

Eagles trainer Rick Burkholder said Vick has not experienced any concussion-related symptoms since Sunday night or Monday ... Entertainment Arts & Culture ...

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Lynch out loud - The Age

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Facts On The Road Traffic Act 1988 | Family Lawyer Toronto

The road traffic act 1988 has six sections. Each explains safety provisions that ought to be followed by drivers and pedestrians alike. Drivers are under the obligation to undergo breath tests to ascertain they are not driving while drunk or intoxicated. Also, protective attire must be put on by both drivers and passengers, especially so cyclists. These include seat belts and helmets. Children below fourteen years ought not to take up vehicle front seats to prevent severe injuries in case of accidents.

According to the act, cyclists are not allowed to organize races on public roads. No sharing of bikes is allowed, each bike can only carry one person. The rules also govern the use of cars away from the roads.Users have to always follow directions to traffic signs.

In section two, conventions of equipment and vehicle use are covered. It majorly deals with approval of design, equipment as well as vehicle marking. In granting excise licenses, the conditions are well stipulated. Automobile test on roads is recommended. It can be done by certified officers whenever they feel there is need. Drivers must never refuse their vehicles getting inspected.

Vehicles must also go through frequent maintenance. This offers the assurance of their worth to operate on the roads. Other machines like structures driven by horses and the traditional bicycles also have regulations that they have to stick to.

Sections three of the act focuses on licensing of all drivers and the conditions they must meet. Such people have to take requisite tests for ascertainment of required qualifications. Physical fitness is also essential and has to be considered too. Special cases that may lead to disqualification of different persons from owning licenses or driving are explained in the third part as well.

In part four, conditions governing the licensing of heavy commercial vehicles are clearly stated. This includes the requirement of heavy goods vehicle license. Similar to other sections, options of appeal and test reviews are provided for.

Section five gives explanations to do with instructors. They ought to be registered as they are the organizations that offer licenses and tests. Driving instructions are outlined as well.

Insurance has to be provided against third party casualties. This is a provision of the last section of the road traffic act 1988. Casualties of traffic accidents have to undergo treatment.

Road traffic act 1988. If you?re looking for more information on the road traffic act, or some friendly legal advice with regards to traffic laws, then visit, specialist solicitors of road law. motoring offence

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

2011 Taxes For Small Business And Those Who Are Self-Employed ...

2011 small business tax and those who are self-employed

If you are self employed or business in a small way, visit the control center for independent and small businesses by the IRS at set and go to ?smallbiz? can help a variety of online tools that can be very useful.

tax on the grounds of the IRS offers a range of information: ?

* Publications and other forms for small businesses
* an Employer Identification Number Online Application type to pay
* Details of Fouta and self-employment taxes, taxes, Medicare and Social Security, income tax and other tax information.
* New taxes to which your company
* Events that education to help your small business questions can
* video made by the IRS for small businesses can influence
* A-Z List of companies with which you will quickly /> All the steps that a company needs to pay taxes and that is clearly stated on this page. It would also be good if this page every time you refer a business or close operation, as you would information about federal tax that applies to your company to get.

other information on this website, that a tax-virtual workshop for a small company, the presentations in audio and video formats, a calendar of tax for small business suit and help more IRS audits.

Video Portal IRS

There are audio and video presentations on this page where all your tax questions can be answered. Presentations, audio forums on the mobile phone. Live debates, video clips and other archived versions of the debates and seminars are also available online.

IRS audits related videos will guide you through all the steps that are skipped if you must go through an audit, and begins with registration and ends with the closure. The video takes you through each step of the examination and the necessary documents to the office and on the ground. It addresses all the questions, which often come in the exams.


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Frontier Post :: Sports News :: CAS Intl Squash C'ship qualifying round

Posted on September 25, 2011

KARACHI (PPI): Syed Hamza Bokhari, Aqib Hanif, Khawaja Adil Maqbool and Saqib Yousuf won the final qualifying round matches of Saturday to confirm their presence in the main rounds of Chief of Air Staff International Squash C?ship at Mushaf Squash Complex in Islamabad.?Syed Hamza Bukhari brushed aside Abbas Ali recording a straight-set 11/4, 11/7, 11/7 triumph. Aqib Hanif found tough resistance from Aurangzeb Mehmund before he registered a 12/10, 14/12, 12/10 win.Khawaja Adil Maqbool dropped a set to Mohammad Naeem before recording a 11/4, 10/12, 11/9, 11/5 win to enter in the main rounds of the event.


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Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Way To Reduce The Clutter From Your Toddler Chair | Articles ...

While toddlers learn how to be independent and feed on their own, they can make a serious mess in their toddler chair. Learning how to master how to use a spoon and also establishing the dexterity to successfully feed themselves requires plenty of practice. To allow for your toddler to learn to self-feed and also to lessen the clutter in the toddler chair, here are some tips:

Choose a toddler chair which is simple to clean. Food can get caught within the crevices of high chairs; so picking a toddler chair which is simple to clean can minimize the mess. Search for high chairs that have removable high chair pads which can be cleaned in the washing machine or a high chair that?s plastic and can easily be wiped down. You might like to opt for a wooden high chair with a nice smooth finish which is easy to clean. Be certain the materials used are all certified safe for the baby.

Put your toddler chair on to the floor, instead of the carpet. Carpets might be tarnished and food could get stuck within the material. A floor can easily be mopped.

Place a disposable or even plastic mat beneath your toddler chair. A pad keeps the mess enclosed and can be easily picked up and taken to the sink for cleaning.

Use dishes and also bowls having suction cups fitted. As toddlers learn how to eat, they might try to toss their bowls from the high chair tray. A suction base will prevent the mess this can make.

Discourage food throwing. As soon as your child starts to throw food, take away the food from his tray. A child that throws food is typically signaling that he is done eating.

Buy and use a hand-held vacuum. A hand-held vacuum makes tidying up crumbs not to mention small pieces of food from the floor quick and easy.

Make use of a plastic bib that has a pocket. These bibs get crumbs and can easily be rinsed in the sink. Bibs protect clothing and help minimize the mess.

The wooden high chair has been in use for a long time and some are actually even passed on as family heirlooms. Join us at wooden high chair and discover the basics ahead of investing.


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CDC Considers Vaccinating Boys, Not Just Girls, for HPV (HealthDay)

FRIDAY, Sept. 23 (HealthDay News) -- U.S. health authorities now recommend that girls and young women be vaccinated against human papillomavirus, a sexually transmitted disease that is a known cause of cervical cancer, but that recommendation does not extend to boys and young men.

At least for now.

A debate that's been simmering over whether males also should be vaccinated for human papillomavirus, or HPV, could be resolved in October at a meeting of a key advisory committee of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said CDC spokesman Tom Skinner.

HPV is widespread among men. An international study published in March in The Lancet found that half of all adult males in the United States may be infected with the virus.

More than 40 strains of HPV exist, and all are passed along by skin-to-skin contact, usually during sexual relations, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The most well-known strain of HPV causes genital warts. But other strains show no obvious symptoms and clear up on their own with no medical treatment, said Dr. Jean Bonhomme, an assistant professor at the Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta and president of the National Black Men's Health Network.

"Because it normally causes no symptoms, men and women can get it and pass it on without even knowing they have it," Bonhomme said.

There is an eventual price to pay for infection, even without any obvious symptoms. HPV has been shown to increase a man's chances of contracting penile and anal cancer, particularly for gay males. Men who have sex with men are about 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than straight men, according to the CDC.

"These are relatively rare cancers," said Debbie Saslow, director of breast and gynecologic cancer programs for the American Cancer Society. "However, for men who have sex with other men, their risk is significantly higher than the general population."

About 1 percent of sexually active men in the United States have genital warts at any particular time, according to the CDC. Annually, about 800 U.S. men contract HPV-related penile cancer and about 1,100 men get HPV-related anal cancer.

Because the virus spreads through skin contact, normal protections that prevent the spread of disease through body fluids won't work, Bonhomme said.

"Diseases like herpes and HPV cannot be completely prevented by condoms because they are both spread by contact with skin," Bonhomme said. "If the virus comes into contact with the scrotum or thighs, you can still be infected."

To make matters worse, men do not have the screening tools for HPV-related cancers that are available to women. A Pap test can detect cervical cancer in women, Bonhomme said, but there's no comparable test for penile or anal cancer in men. As a result, many men don't realize they have these cancers until they begin showing late-stage symptoms.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the HPV vaccine Gardasil for use in women in 2006. Three years later, the FDA approved a second HPV vaccine, Cervarix. Vaccination currently is recommended for 11- and 12-year-old girls and for young women ages 13 through 26 who have not yet been vaccinated.

"The idea is to vaccinate before they become sexually active," Saslow said. "Afterward, it's much less effective."

The debate now among public health officials is whether that recommendation should extend to boys and young men. A working group of the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reported in June that most of its members believe that males should be vaccinated for HPV and that the guidelines for males ought to be harmonized to match existing recommendations for females, according to slides from the meeting.

When it meets again next month, Skinner said, the committee will again take up the issue.

Saslow and Bonhomme said that beyond the direct health risks, there are other compelling reasons to extend HPV vaccinations to males.

For one thing, it would be simpler to vaccinate everyone than to have separate guidelines for boys and girls, Saslow said. There's also an argument for gender equity, in that only women are being vaccinated for a disease that affects both sexes, she added.

Another strong argument in favor of male HPV vaccination, Bonhomme said, is the fact that by only immunizing half the population, health officials are not attacking the problem with full force.

"Where are women getting the virus from?" he asked. "If you don't vaccinate the guys, then you aren't helping the women."

More information

The U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has more on HPV and genital warts.

A companion article offers a man's perspective on HPV.


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Friday, September 23, 2011

Self Improvement | The Psychology of Consumerism | The Self ...

By Saberi Roy -

On the marketing and behavioral aspects of consumerism and the advantages and disadvantages of consumerism

Consumerism is in a way the more human aspect of business and companies and businesses consider consumers along with their employees as the essential ?people elements? of their endeavor. Yet consumerism can have its other meanings and represent a culture of buying, highlight the virtues and vices of a materialistic society and emphasize on the importance of globalized business environment. Companies have to keep their consumers happy and develop and sell new products based on consumer needs. The needs of the consumers and the needs of businesses however seem to be circular as companies create needs of consumers and consumers also project their needs to businesses suggesting an interdependent relationship. When I say, companies create consumer needs, we can consider the example of Apple iPhone. Apple successfully created a need in consumers to possess a product that would successfully integrate the phone and the iPod. Of course Apple must have also done the initial survey to find out what consumer needs or demands are and then finally expanded and focused on these consumer needs to come up with the new products, including the iPhone. A good company is the one that can provide realistic and well defined frameworks for initial vague consumer needs. The needs of the consumers are initially not well defined or clear as consumers tend to have some idea about what they want but are not too sure about what they actually want. So through surveys and discussions with consumers and in house technical or product development advisers, companies are able to develop on these initial consumer ideas and vague consumer needs and provide shape to their future product plans.

Yet we could first try to define consumerism and understand why consumerism is such an important aspect of business and marketing. The term consumerism seems to have both positive and negative connotations as consumerism could mean a culture of possessions and glorification of materialism. Consumerism could however also mean progressively more consumption of goods and products that could benefit the economy and the markets with a heightened buying culture among people although consumerism could also mean the entire gamut of marketing and business activities that finally lead to the buying of products by consumers.

Consumerism thus has a broad definition and can include a range of buying and business behaviors, so finally consumerism is a ?kind of behavior? and that is how it is important to psychology and psychologists. Consumerism is about individuals or groups and how they select or buy secure and use or dispose products and services so that they can satisfy their needs of consumption and the practice of consumerism would also have a significant effect on society. The study of consumer behavior in a systematic and even a scientific manner would be the basis of the psychology of consumers and consumerism. The psychology of consumerism could be considered from two different aspects ? one from a marketing or the business viewpoint in which consumerism is seen as essential since it helps maintain companies and businesses so the psychology would be based on how to attract consumers whereas the other viewpoint is the behavioral aspect of consumerism or why consumers buy or consume products and services, and what are the reasons of a buying culture and how this could be justified with normal or abnormal behavioral analysis.

The latter part of this discussion can help us answer several issues about consumerism.

Consumer Psychology from a Marketing Aspect ?

Consumers buy according to their personal needs and what they feel is necessary and also according to social needs as they follow trends and thus become interested in certain products and services. Certain products appear more important, essential or attractive to consumers and these products tend to have certain value which makes it easier for companies to sell these products. Businesses and companies are capable of attracting more consumers by using the psychological principles of marketing and consumer behaviour and the key is to create want or the requirement for a product. Businesses and companies understand initial consumer needs through surveys and then they develop new products to attract consumers. Once products are developed, brand image and advertisements help in providing an association between products and companies and when consumers develop an element of familiarity with this association between brand name and product features, they tend to even want the product. In keeping with the demands of competition and consumerism, companies tend to give promotional offers, discounts, sales and low priced products with the aim of attracting more consumers. Considering the marketing perspective, consumerism is advantageous as more consumers and increased buying behavior would mean more sales of products although the disadvantages of increased consumer spending would be minimal except that increased consumerism would also signal increased competition from other manufacturers.

Thus the most essential features of consumer psychology from a marketing point of view are ? creating the need for consumerism or for a specific product by advertising specific and unusual features of the product, developing the association between brands and products and offering attractive options such as discounts and sales to attract not just more consumers but also more sales.

Consumer Psychology from a Behavioral Aspect ?

From a behavioral perspective, it would be interesting to engage in an analysis of buying behavior and we can try to understand why consumers buy in the first place. There could be several reasons for buying that arise from social and personal needs, from emotional and financial needs and some of these needs are healthy and positive and in fact essential in our daily life. However, buying behavior as in ?shopaholics? would be unpredictable, random, and even unhealthy, from a psychological point of view as excessive buying or consumerism cold indicate bipolar illness or a kind of addiction. However consumerism and specific focus on luxury brands could highlight the almost unhealthy addiction to fashion trends and status symbols in modern times and globalization seems to be encouraging this. Companies and businesses create choices in consumers so consumers already have a ?need? when they engage in buying behavior. Although this need could be personal and social, the need could also perfectly an emotional need to possess.

From a psychological viewpoint consumerism is about fulfilling our inherent need to control and possess certain objects which could well replace or substitute other possessions. For example, a woman undergoing divorce proceedings may suddenly develop the irresistible need to buy things continually because the need for possessiveness towards a partner has been diverted to other directions.

From a more clinical point of view consumerism could be explained with abnormal psychology and the role of depression, the need to satisfy excessive possessiveness and also the blind faith or dependence on fashion trends and all these are seen as negative aspects of consumer psychology. If consumerism is considered as a positive phenomenon, the advantages of consumerism would be the application of psychological principles in understanding buying behavior.

Consumerism and the study of consumerism helps us to understand and recognize not just consumer needs and how these needs are created or fulfilled but also the behavior and attitudes of consumers towards products and the business directions or endeavors to understand marketing from a behavioral perspective. The psychology of consumerism is thus about creating needs and associations so consumers develop certain familiarity with the product ideas even before buying them.

Consumerism could be both positive and negative and represent not just a global and globalized culture but also highlight the superficial trends and deeper necessities of individuals across societies and communities.

Reflections in Psychology ? Part I ? by Saberi Roy (2009)

Saberi Roy ? Books

Article Source:


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Thursday, September 22, 2011

And if the state kills an innocent man today ...

And if the state kills an innocent man ...


Troy Davis

Unless there's some unforeseen intervention, 42-year-old Troy Davis will be injected with poison and killed by the state of Georgia at 7:00 tonight -- even though nearly every witness who testified at his murder trial has since recanted, even though there is no physical evidence linking him to the killing, even though there is strong evidence that the police mishandled the case, and even though another witness who testified against Davis may have confessed to the crime just two years ago.

Davis, a black man convicted in 1991 of killing an off-duty white police officer, has steadfastly maintained his innocence and is now demanding that a polygraph be administered before his execution. Three times before he's come within hours of being led to the death chamber, but after Georgia's parole board nixed his clemency bid on?Monday his legal options are apparently exhausted. Even though there's a mountain of doubt over whether he actually committed the crime, it looks like this will be his last day on Earth.

In a way, it's fitting that the execution of a possibly innocent man is making headlines now, given the sudden prominence of capital punishment in the national political conversation -- the result of a recent Republican presidential debate, when the audience erupted in cheers at the mention of the 234 executions that Rick Perry had overseen as Texas' governor. Even some death penalty supporters said they were disturbed by that reaction, but it was also a powerful reminder of just how many Americans -- Republican or not -- see capital punishment as a simple matter of justice.

Gallup has found that support for the death penalty has remained consistent for the past decade, with Americans favoring it by a more than two-to-one margin. As of last November, 64 percent support it and just 29 percent oppose it. That number, however, is down from the late 1980s and early 1990s, when support for capital punishment peaked at 80 percent. It's also up from the mid-1960s, when death penalty support bottomed out at an all-time low of 42 percent. Back then, more Americans opposed it than favored it.

Why have the numbers changed over the years? The best way to look at death penalty may be to compare it to the country's violent crime rate, which not coincidentally took off in the mid-'60s, exploded in the '70s and '80s, then peaked in the early '90s and dropped substantially. The rate is considerably higher today than it was in the 1960s, but it's also nothing like it was two or three decades ago.

We can see the effects of this in our politics. Think back to the 1988 presidential election, when Republicans skewered Michael Dukakis over the matter of Willie Horton, a convicted murderer who had escaped while on a weekend furlough from a Massachusetts prison and fled to Maryland, where he committed armed robbery and raped a woman. The anecdote itself was damning, but one of the reasons the GOP attacks had such resonance was the soaring violent crime rate, which contributed to an atmosphere of fear and panic. Suburbanites fretted that all of the urban scariness that dominated the average local newscast would soon reach their bedroom communities and demanded to know from politicians: What are you going to do about it? The death penalty was a popular answer and became something of a toughness litmus test for would-be leaders, a test Dukakis famously flubbed in a debate.

It may have been the Dukakis example that Bill Clinton had in mind four years later, when he left the presidential campaign trail to oversee an execution in Arkansas. Human rights groups were enraged that Ricky Ray Rector, who was functionally retarded, could be put to death, but Clinton suggested he was setting an example for his fellow Democrats -- that they "should no longer feel guilty about protecting the innocent." Clinton's support for capital punishment featured prominently in his 1992 campaign, a way of reassuring Americans that he was tough on crime.

That, of course, seems like a long time ago now. Violent crime began dropping on Clinton's watch, and the issue faded from the national debate. Meanwhile, the late '90s and early 2000s saw a surge in coverage of the ultimate risk that comes with having a death penalty. New DNA?techniques allowed old cases to be reopened, revealing tragic miscarriages of justice. When one particular death row inmate was exonerated in Illinois in 1999, that state's governor, Republican George Ryan, reacted with horror and emptied out death row. By 2004, Democrats felt OK?nominating for president John Kerry, who had largely opposed the death penalty during his career, and in the last decade, several states have either outlawed capital punishment completely or rendered it functionally extinct.

Against this backdrop, it's tempting to wonder if the Troy Davis story -- which has received considerable press attention (and which will receive a lot more if tonight's execution goes ahead) -- might serve as a public opinion tipping point. But that potential is balanced against another reality: For all of the systemic flaws that have been revealed in the past decade or so -- for all of the innocent people who have been freed after years of incarceration -- the basic eye-for-an-eye nature of the death penalty remains compelling for most Americans, a sentiment reinforced by the occasional horrific crime. Take the state of Connecticut, where the gruesome murder of a suburban family in 2007 (which is still in the news, as the trial of one of the killers proceeds) apparently increased support for capital punishment in the state -- enough to convince the last governor to veto a plan to outlaw it.

The reality is that we have seen other cases like Troy Davis' before -- Perry may have presided over one of them just a few years ago in Texas -- and it will probably take a lot more of them before Americans ever give up on the death penalty for good.


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Investing Stocks And Bonds-How To Profit From This Highly ...

Investing Stocks And Bonds-H?w T? Profit Fr?m Th?? Highly Lucrative Form Of Investment??

Article b? Josh Neumann

Investing ?n stocks ?nd bonds ?? one ?f th? best ways t? b? converted ?nt? wealthy ?n today?s day ?nd age, b?????? ?f th? wonders ?f compounding interest. A wise investment ??n give ??? th? riches ?f planet whereas investment ?n ?n already mature stock ??n take ???r? single penny out ?f ???r pocket. Investing stocks ?nd bonds gives ??? long time financial stability.

Wh?t ?r? stocks?

Shares ?f a company ?r? referred ?? stocks ?nd ?f ??? hold a stock ?f a company ??? b? converted ?nt? a stockholder. A stockholder owns a proportion ?f a company, ?nd h? m?? b? paid a share ?f th? company?s earnings ?n th? form ?f dividends. Stocks ?r? high risk high reward.

Wh?t ?r? bonds?

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Investing ?n stocks ?nd bonds becomes a further means ?f income. Sometimes people ?h???? t? invest ?n real estate, b?t th?t ?? equally expensive ?nd takes a large chunk out ?f ???r pocket ?n brokerage. Stocks ?nd bonds ?r? seen ?? a better way ?f investing f?r future, f?r retirement, t? b?? luxuries ?nd ?f course houses ?nd apartment building.

Investing ?n stocks ?nd bonds h??? b??n m?d? h?n??tl? simple now w?th tips, advice, technical charts, graphs ?nd counsel available online ?nd over th? phone. Y?? m??t keep th? track ?f th? company?s performance ?? well though th? broker w?ll b? informing ??? ?b??t th? stock ?nd ?t? movement.

Remember, wh?n ?t comes t? investing, nobody ??n d? th?? better th?n ??? ??n. Th? planet?s top investors ?ll h??? educated themselves financially ?n order t? profit fr?m th? promote.

Y?? w?ll never m?k? ?? much money relying ?n ?th?r people ?? ??? ??n yourself. D? ???r ?wn research, ?nd find th? r?ght stocks f?r ??? ?nd ???r portfolio t? h?l? ??? b? converted ?nt? wealthy.

Ab??t th? Author

T? learn t? invest money ?nd f?r ?th?r investing advice, try checking out Th?? ?? a well l???d investment site th?t gives money investment advice t? h?l? ??? achieve


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How To Watch Tv Streaming Video Shows On Your Computer ...

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ConAgra withdraws Ralcorp offer

(AP) ? ConAgra Foods Inc. has withdrawn its $5.17 billion offer to acquire Ralcorp Holdings Inc., ending its aggressive pursuit of the company that makes private-label foods and Post cereal.

The Omaha, Nebraska-based maker of Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice and other food brands has made several failed bids for Ralcorp since March. Last week, it set a Monday deadline for Ralcorp to start discussions or it would walk away.

Ralcorp on Monday rejected the latest $94 per share bid, which ConAgra made for the first time last month.

ConAgra wanted to expand its product offerings with the acquisition of St. Louis-based Ralcorp. Ralcorp says it wants to stick to its plan to spin off its Post cereal business, so it can focus solely on its private-label foods business to benefit shareholders.

Associated Press


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Monday, September 19, 2011

Worker aid program key to passing free trade deals (AP)

WASHINGTON ? A half-century-old program that helps workers who lose their jobs to foreign trade holds the key to whether Congress may finally approve three long-delayed free trade agreements viewed by both the Obama White House and congressional Republicans as a way to invigorate the economy and create jobs.

It's a classic Washington trade-off.

Many Democrats don't like the trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama but are open to votes if Congress extends expired provisions of the Kennedy-era Trade Adjustment Assistance program, or TAA. Republicans are cool to TAA but won't object as long as the trade deals are completed.

President Barack Obama has often extolled the benefits of the three trade accords originally signed during the George W. Bush administration. But he has refrained from submitting them to Congress until he gets assurances that expanded aid continues for workers who lost their jobs because of trade.

The Senate on Monday took up a routine bill giving poorer countries access to U.S. markets, with the intent to attach the trade adjustment provisions for affected workers to that bill as an amendment. If all goes as planned, the Senate will pass the bill and send it to the House, which would consider it along with the three free trade accords. The Senate too would vote on the trade deals.

In a sign that a strong majority of senators were on board with this aid-and-trade formula, the Senate voted 84-8 to sidestep the first legislative hurdle to considering the bill for developing countries.

"Opening new markets for our farmers, ranchers and businesses will be a major boost to our economy and support hundreds of thousands of jobs here at home, but it has to be done in a way that puts American jobs first," said Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, who supports the trade adjustment program.

The program, run by the Labor Department, provides retraining and financial aid to workers who lost or may lose jobs to foreign trade. The Labor Department says the average age of participants is 46, with an average of more than 12 years of experience in a job that may no longer exist. Two-thirds of those eligible for aid are non-union members, according to the agency.

In 2009 the program was expanded under Obama's economic stimulus package to include displaced service and government workers and farmers. More money was provided for retraining and subsidies for participants to keep health insurance. Now the question is whether the expanded eligibility and benefits that expired in February will continue.

Of the more than 400,000 certified as eligible since May 2009, about 185,000 might not have been eligible under the pre-2009 rules, said Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan, the senior Democrat on the House Ways and Means Committee and a leading program advocate.

"Some people don't believe in retraining and they are wrong," he said, noting that two-thirds of the program's participants in Michigan got jobs. "Without retraining, the chances of re-employment are very substantially more difficult."

Sen. Bob Casey, a Pennsylvania Democrat who chairs the Joint Economic Committee, released a report Tuesday by his office that found workers in manufacturing industries who are more affected by imports are generally less likely to find new jobs, or face bigger pay cuts if they do find work, than workers who face less foreign competition.

Casey's report said 53 percent of those who participated in the trade adjustment program in 2010 found work within the first three months after losing a job. Eighty percent of those who did find jobs in the first three months remained employed six months later.

The program's expansion in 2009 has its critics. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., recently said the changes made two years ago transformed the program "into a domestic slush fund for reasons that had nothing at all to do with expanding free trade."

Republicans have balked at renewing those changes, saying they were too expensive, and picked winners and losers. The Labor Department, in its 2012 budget request, sought $1.67 billion for the program, including $571 million for the 2009 additions.

With the free trade agreements on the line, Baucus, D-Mont., and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., worked out a compromise that reduced the 2009 benefits. Income support was reduced from 156 weeks to a maximum of 130 weeks, the same as when the program was reorganized in 2002. The health coverage tax credit was cut from 80 percent to 72.5 percent. The compromise also denies eligibility to public sector workers, eliminates aid for communities and cuts aid for trade-impacted businesses.

Camp's office said it would reduce the added cost to about $900 million over three years, paid for with cuts in Medicare and unemployment insurance programs.


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A domain name (website name for those less tech knowledgeable) is easily just about the most important components of your internet site. We consistently see names that make us wish to cringe and speculate what they were thinking; but what exactly constitutes a ?great? web address? There?s a few important aspects you want to consider when your selecting the domain name for your web based business.
The length is where people create the number one blunder. Simply because your name could be up to sixty three characters does not imply that it ought to be anywhere close to that. We generally recommend domain names be not any more then 20 characters if it is possible. It?s essential notably if you are performing any kind of online marketing. The last thing you wish to occur is your potential customers give up right after mistyping it too many times and start working on the next person they can locate.

Your own domain name or url of your website is certainly a essential part of your site. I at times observe horrid website names which make virtually no meaning and I also wouldnt even think of checking out. Most domains are extremely long. You ordinarily should have no more than 20 characters in the name. This is particularly helpful for internet marketing your online business. If the name isnt appealing and straightforward to keep in mind, a potential client may overlook it or mistype it and quit attempting to find it. Theyll move on to some other company that may be easier to find.

Your website address will be the face of your company. Future buyers could assess your business well before they even open up your website based on the name. The name ought to be twenty figures or less. Abbreviate in places you have to. If a name is simply too long or hard to consider, I move on. Almost any online marketer will explain the same thing.

Prior to enrolling your domain think about these queries:
Is the name easy to enter?
Do you find it unforgettable?
Are alternative versions used? (.com rules, nevertheless you may have rivalry using
Could the title be mistyped effortlessly? (I highly recommend you steer clear of intentional mis-types. Whilst it might be sweet to spell cupcakes with K?s, it might help make simply finding the web site a major problem for your customers)
Will the name entice my target market?
In the event you answer yes to these issues then you should definitely think about other options.

Theres several things you have to consider ahead of signing up your domain address:
Do you find it difficult to keep in mind?
Could it be tricky to spell?
Will any other company have the identical name utilizing .com or ,net?
Can it be easy to mistype? (Cutesy titles, like dressez, that arent spelled accurately are incredibly simple to mistype.)
Will this website address bring in a more substantial projected audience than I need?
Should the reply to any one of these concerns is yes, consider a different website address.

You must think of some things prior to applying your domain name:
Would it be hard to recall?
Would it be hard to spell?
Can and does a different web website have similar name but features a .com or .net placed on it?
Can it be very easy to type in the erroneous keys when keying it in? (For example, kittttens, there are plenty of ts, it would be all too easy to skip one.)
In case the reply to any of the above is yes, this specific domain address aren?t for you.

When picking a domain name you must usually keep with keywords based upon your online business. Obtaining the exact internet domain for the key phrase you might be trying to aim for (Example: a locksmith professional in Phoenix az utilizing PhoenixLocksmiths.Com) will give you an enormous advantage and can make placing on the top queries a much less difficult method. You will find the several domain names are generally used, however this should give you a general idea about what to take into consideration.

Choose key phrases that have to do with your business. For example, a landscaper in Miami might make use of MiamiLandscaper.Com). Its much easier to recall and makes you on the top of the lookups. All of the potential clients in Miami could discover you immediately. Almost all of these internet domain names happen to be used, however you can?t say for sure what you might create.

When you are picking a domain, you need to choose one with keywords that are based around your company. If you advertise hats and you can grab the domain address of Hats.Com, youre in. This will always make a massive benefit in your advertising and marketing process. Hats is probably implemented, however you get the general notion of just what Im trying to say.


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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Foot Cleanse Pads | Are generally Detoxification Feet Patches A ...

Detox Foot Pads have been on the market for a lengthy time now. In that time these pads have taken a real beating within the medical community being known as a scam and post following write-up have been published showing how these pads simply don?t work. The truth is although there?s no medical evidence showing that Detox Foot Pads do work to rid your body of toxins, there is lots of anecdotal evidence to suggest that they do.

Detox Foot Pads

Perhaps, studying a bit about detox foot pads will help you to determine for your self whether or not these pads may be useful to you.

What Are Detox Foot Pads?

Detox Foot Pads are tiny patches of material with herbs inside and an adhesive that you location on the arches of your feet while you sleep. The theory behind these detox foot pads is based on old Chinese medicine that claims that somehow your feet has a connection with each key organ of your body. (think acupuncture and acupressure and how they work.) As you sleep, the herbs inside the foot pads draw harmful toxins from your body.

Based on the Detox Foot Pads manufacturers, the dark, smelly residue on the detox foot pad when you awake within the morning is the toxins that have been removed from your body overnight. Should you maintain employing the foot pads, more and more toxins will likely be removed from your body. Over time the toxins in your body will diminish along with the foot pads grow lighter and lighter.

Some people who have employed these detox foot pads report that soon after using them for a number of days or even a couple of weeks, they did feel less fatigued, have much less aches and pains and felt a lot more energized. Which leads to the suggestion that the Detox Foot Pads are performing some thing to restore wellness.

What The Detractors Say

Nevertheless, numerous of the detractors of Detox Foot Pads tell you that it?s impossible to remove toxins by means of the skin. That the dark color on the Detox Foot Pads are the herbs inside the pads, particularly the wood vinegar reacting to the sweat from your feet throughout the night. This sweat causes the herbs inside the Detox Foot Pads to grow to be dark and be pulled to the pads surface.

What these folks fail to explain is that if this is accurate, then why over time do the Detox Foot Pads become lighter and lighter right after a night of sleep. Do your feet suddenly stop sweating? If it genuinely was sweat that caused all of the dark discoloration, then the pads would stay dark each and every morning regardless of how lengthy you utilised them.

A Simple Test

Based on some reports the proof that the discoloration on the foot pad is as a result of water is easy. All you need to do is dampen a detox foot pad under water and you are going to see a dark stain. However, whilst those in favor of detox foot pads do admit that the pads do turn dark when damp some also say that when the foot pad dries it becomes white when again but, a foot pad applied to your feet overnight remains dark even when dried.

For people who wish to know for certain if it can be toxins or basic water turning your foot pad dark, then you?ll be able to simply attempt a basic test at house. Dampen a Detox Foot Pad with plain water, then wear Detox Foot Pads to bed. Once you get up in the morning compare the foot pad you dampened to the one you really wore. If the detox foot pad is doing it is job then the pad you removed from your foot must be darker and gummier than the one that you dampened in water.

The Proof Is In the Pudding

There?s an old saying that the proof is within the pudding. This saying means that the end outcomes will tell you for sure whether or not or not something is as great as it claims. In relation to detox foot pads, the proof for several individuals is in the fact that following using these foot pads for a reasonable amount of time, they do have fewer aches and pains, feel less tired and have far more energy. All things that point to these pads having a positive and healthy effect.

Ironically, several men and women who claim that detox foot pads do not work use the argument that toxins cannot be removed through the skin. Nevertheless, it has long been accepted that making use of a steam bath or a sauna does just that, eliminate toxins from your body by way of the skin.

Why Select Foot Pads?

So, the question is why would anyone choose a detox foot pad to eliminate toxins when there are other products in the marketplace. The answer is fairly simple. Most of the other products designed to detox the program are meant to be taken internally. These items typically contain ingredients that will do your body much more harm than very good. Ingredients like Psyllium and Senna contained in these detox goods can cause severe allergic reactions, to electrolyte imbalances, to lowering potassium levels dangerously. Additionally, many individuals who use internal colon cleansers have reported painful cramping, diarrhea, severe nausea, dizziness and dehydration. Detox foot pads have none of these serious side affects which makes them an excellent option for men and women who merely do not desire to further harm their bodies in an effort to rid themselves of toxins.

Not each item on the market works well for each and every individual who tries it. Detox foot pads are no exception. Nonetheless, for people who find these foot pads effective they?re a convenient approach to remove toxins from the body without having the harmful side effects that internal detox goods can trigger. Detox Foot Pads are absolutely something worth taking an examine.

Have an examine this web site for reviews and information about detox foot pad.


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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bruce Dern says secret to success is taking risks (AP)

LOS ANGELES ? Bruce Dern has been on camera for more than 50 years. He's been nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe, and he finally added an Emmy nod to his list of honors.

Dern was nominated for his guest-starring role on HBO's "Big Love." He ended up losing to Paul McCrane of "Harry's Law" at last weekend's Creative Arts Emmy ceremony, which airs Saturday on ReelzChannel. Yet for Dern, it seems he really was Just Glad to Be Nominated.

"To get nominated like this in this category ? or in any category ? is a surprise and a gratification," said the 75-year-old actor. "It was a series I was proud to be a part of, but I didn't think I had that much to do in it."

Dern said he was delighted that Emmy voters noticed his role as cranky Frank Harlow, a character he has played since 2006 but who only appears on a few episodes each season. Dern said the quirky part parallels his movie career.

"I never became a big movie star or anything like that," he said. "I starred in a lot of movies, but I was probably the fifth or sixth choice in a lot of them that I got."

He said his daughter, Laura Dern, has followed a similar professional path: "Because of a couple of early performances in her career, she got a seat at the table for the rest of her life."

Dern said he gave his daughter two pieces of advice when she started her acting career ? tips that he follows to this day.

"There are two things that are essential," he recalled. "One of them is you've got to learn to dance ? and that means not dancing lessons but dancing around the problems on the set every day, which are never personal but we always take them as personal. And two is to take roles that put you on the edge. Take roles that are risky.

"I've been prone to that my entire career," he continued, "and this character, Frank in `Big Love,' was extremely risky. You never knew what he was going to do or who he was."

Dern said he was extremely proud that he, Laura Dern and Diane Ladd earned side-by-side stars on Hollywood's Walk of Fame last November ? the first family so honored. (Ladd is Bruce Dern's ex-wife and Laura Dern's mother.) The three are also the first family to all have been nominated for Academy Awards, he said.

And they're about to reunite on screen, he said, in a film called "Heart's Location": "And that's the first time Laura and I will ever work together!"


AP Entertainment Writer Sandy Cohen can be reached at


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Friday, September 2, 2011

Where to Travel: Europe Airline Tickets to Traveler's Social Media

Article Directory :: Travel & Leisure Articles

Travel opens our eyes and breaks our routine. It is often one of the most growing experiences we have in life. But it can be extremely stressful, especially if you don't know what to do, or where to go.

It starts with choosing a destination. Depending on what kind of travel you like best, be it beach-going, partying, or high culture, you should have an idea as to whether you prefer Europe airline tickets, a flight to Tahiti, or a mix of culture and beach in the form of a visit to Tel Aviv via cheap tickets to Israel. Choose cities and countries that are on the up and up and which have recently experienced a population boom, an Olympic or World Cup bid, or other urban renewal projects. Don't choose post-revolutionary countries, or countries in deep economic turmoil- it's not fun to see poverty, and it may even be dangerous. Then you can buy your tickets.

If you are going to a place your friends have recently visited, ask them what to do. Chances are, they already made the mistakes of going to seedy restaurants so you don't have to. If you're really going off the beaten track, none of your friends may know about where to go and what to see. You can ask them on Facebook or Twitter, but don't be surprised if you don't get any responses. There are, however, other social media sites for travelers. links to your Facebook page and allows you to ask questions to other travelers who may be more experienced. After they determine your traveling style, it's easy to get the answers you need. and are other sites that allow you to secondhandedly research the best places to visit.

If you're a member of AAA or if you know of a local travel agency, they can offer insights into where to visit, eat, and sleep. And if all else fails, try asking your favorite search engine specific questions like, "What to do in Barcelona?" or "Where to eat in Outer Mongolia?" You may be surprised at the answers.

If you still have questions the day before you get on the Europe airline, good. You will have to answer them yourself. It may take getting lost a couple of times, but you'll probably find something worthwhile in the end. And isn't jumping into the unknown part of the fun in traveling anyway?

Whether you are thinking about a local weekend gateway or a month long international adventure, the experienced agents at , the Brooklyn Travel Agency , will provide you with all your travel solutions including Europe airline tickets and cheap flights to Israel .

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