Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Interested yet?

Well lets hope so since I've an idea that I would rather used than to see it languish like so many others. Its fairly good, just needs to be fleshed out and possibly changed up a bit, depends on how things get on. Here is the story so far-

Fairies, Lepracauns(sp) and Pixies are in a war, either against each other or in an alliance against other mythical creatures I don't entirely know and quite frankly can work either way; Humans aren't necessarily out matched so much as caught off guard as the wars unravel the screen of secrecy that has been up for near millennia or some extremely large amount of time that seems appropriate. various diplomatic missions and treaties in the earlier years more or less separated the mythical and mundane quite a bit and not even the mythical beings really remember the exact details, when why or really care other than, it exists and it still holds (though to a greatly reduced extent). The treaty isn't broken so much that, as knowledge of it dissipated, the treaty itself dissolved.

There were several copies but all of them were lost- the Humans had plenty of them but the rise of the Roman empire saw a couple of them lost and the rest preserved, even copied over several times to ensure survivability, but when Rome fell...well the vast majority of them fell as the Empire broke apart. The Byzantine Empire, the Eastern half of the old Roman empire lasted another thousand years after the Original empire fell but only had a small handful of the documents and when it fell those documents were lost. Then the dark ages saw more destruction, Viking invasion, black plague, barbarians, when the world began to get better, medieval times coming around, there were no known documents left on the human side until a small group was allowed onto holy sites in Jerusalem and then left a year later with 'Holy Relics'. This small group would later be known as the Knights Templar, whom would participate in the crusades and then by betray by the french king on October, Friday the 13th (hah!) because he was in debt to the holy order. Though assets were ceased and the order disbanded almost none of the Holy Knight's vast wealth, their great fleet and the vast majority of their members and leadership vanished.

As for the Mythical creatures, events on their side coincided with human wars. Mythical creatures had been advisers to human leaders from as far back as the mid Egyptian rule on until late roman dominion. As fractious as humans, divided by racial as well as cultural differences the role of adviser for any human was quite.... competitive. So much so to the point of actually sparking the fall of Egypt to the Greeks and the rise of the first Roman Empire. All unintentional of course. As times changed and the great agreement forgotten, the roles mythical creatures played in the human world slowly vanished. What once was considered a great honor, even something worth dieing for, slowly turned to just a great honor, to just an honor of some import, a task that needed filling, then finally a menial task that none wanted, only the shunned or greatly lacking would be thrown into the position against their will until the fall of the Byzantine Empire, which had long ago barred all remaining mythical creatures from any and all roles within their society.

The first half is converted from conversation form, the second half is all thought of on the spot.

The catch- I am easily distracted, lose interest quickly and ultimately don't have the time to run a really large roleplay full time. However, I think I have come up with a solution- we get people interested, we start it up and then we have at it with me checking in whenever I can. My profile has the necessary contact information if I am needed to quickly do get involved. Whomever can be responsible for what happens will get the honorary (as I doubt I could get anyone any real) title of 'sgm' or 'Sub GM' or whatever sounds cool. Likely we'll need more for larger groups and less for smaller groups.

I nearly forgot to mention the good part- what we'd be playing. The idea centers around war and intrigue, possibly even political and/or romance. We're in modern day...wherever, somewhere on earth. I am sure wherever we do end up it'll be all woodsy and by a town or some such. We're in a new war, regardless if the story involves the war, the characters and/or area(s) they will be within/around will be affected by the war.

If it seems remotely interesting let me know, I'm not overly desperate to get things on the road so I wont make any drastic changed, but I do want to get this at least started up so I am willing to rewrite a few things.

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

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