Saturday, March 31, 2012

Five Favorite Films with Lucy Liu

In a busy career across movies, stage and TV, Lucy Liu has played all kinds of roles: fashionistas, Charlie's Angels, animated snakes and -- perhaps most memorably -- sword-wielding, scalp-collecting bosses of deadly assassination squads. She's currently appearing in Detachment and this week's The Trouble with Bliss, an independent New York comedy co-starring Dexter's Michael C. Hall and 21 Jump Street's Brie Larson. With the movie opening in New York, LA and across VOD, Liu called in for a conversation about her role, while also sharing some stories from the Chinese set of The Man with the Iron Fists -- the upcoming martial arts movie directed by and starring the RZA, with Russell Crowe, Gordon Liu and Pam Grier. Read on for more of the chat, but first up -- her five favorite films.

One of my favorite films is Red Sorghum, by Zhang Yimou, who's an incredible director -- just incredibly visual. The way that he shoots a film and takes a time in history and connects it to somebody; he takes a moment in somebody's life and also connects it historically to what happened between the Japanese and the Chinese during the war. I just think it's so elegantly done. It sort of shows not just what's going on in the family itself, but links that personal story -- you get involved in that and then connected to the backdrop of the war, how their family, how their business all kind of connects. It's incredibly heartbreaking and very real. It was very impactful. I saw it when I was in college, and I was destroyed. [Laughs] Destroyed by that movie. There's a quality in his movies that really stands out, that I haven't really seen in a lot of other movies.

Another movie that I really love -- and I'm sure you know it -- is It Happened One Night, which is, I think, one of the best romantic comedies out there. I remember seeing that movie and falling in love with Clark Gable and just thinking how fantastic that backdrop was, on the train. It seemed like a very real relationship, like they really were in love with one another. [Laughs] I didn't seem so pat, you know?

(Wong Kar Wai, 2004; 84% Tomatometer)

I also love 2046 by Wong Kar Wai, a film which I thought was so beautifully shot, with an incredible story. I love that he uses the location as a character. He has a very romantic way, a very sexy way of presenting everything, and the cinematography in that is absolutely stunning. He obviously has a very strong vision for what he wants to do and how he wants to do it. All of his movies, I think they're very intimate: They don't always require huge stages, but he always seems to capture something in a very small area. I like the way he presents things. He creates an atmosphere and you get swept into it right away.

I love Being There, it's one of my favorite movies -- with Peter Sellers, who I thought was brilliant. I love how underplayed but so incredibly funny it was, you know... dry. [Laughs] There's something wonderful about the misconceptions [about the main character] that create the simplicity of all of it. The misconceptions create a simplicity which then creates this aura. I love that movie.

Then I have, well, I have two movies: Godfather one and two. An incredibly absorbing story that unravels and captures a time that really existed in New York. It just draws you in and just keeps you. There are moments in that that you can't believe. You watch it and you go, "Oh, right" and then you hear the dialogue and then you realize that this is an incredibly famous quote. [Laughs] It's all-time, basically. A side one that I love, just 'cause I grew up watching it, and it happened to air around my birthday in December, was The Sound of Music. It reminds me very much of my childhood, that kind of hopeful, contagious optimism that Julie Andrews had -- and also set in the backdrop of war. But that's more of a childhood thing. Then there's Drunken Master, but for different reasons, and different entertainment values, you know? It's hard. There's a list a mile long. In very small font. But asked to narrow it down, I will narrow it down to those movies right now. [Laughs]

Next, Liu talks about her role in The Trouble with Bliss and shares some stories from the set of RZA's forthcoming martial arts epic, The Man with the Iron Fists.

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about to break up with my girl - Sexuality and Relationships ...

Anonymous #1

This is really hard for me. We've only known each other for a month. I like her a lot, she's fun and smart and great in bed. I'm her first proper relationship, and she really likes me. She's great in every way, except for one: dishonesty. This is my number one dealbreaker - if I can't trust her to always tell me the truth about things no matter what, then we can't be together.

She doesn't lie about anything too big, it's little things. But it just stops me from being able to trust her. I can't think of any examples, but they're the sort of things that I wouldn't even care about if she just told me the truth. I get the feeling that maybe she doesn't want me to be angry with her and so lies, but I don't think that's any justification. I've told her multiple times that I need complete and total honesty 100% of the time, and she agrees.

I should say that there's only been one time when I've actually caught her lying - the rest have just been times when I don't think she's telling the truth. I'm usually a very good lie detector, I pick up on the red flags and go with my gut. The time I caught her out was near the beginning. Basically she told me a conflicting story about her sexual experience. I justified it by saying that she was probably ashamed (even though it was nothing bad).

Here's what I'm used to: always telling the truth no matter what. No matter if it will hurt the other person, or if it could be the end of the relationship, or anything. You always tell the truth. And if you don't want to tell the truth for some reason? You say it. That leads to the most beautiful thing - full and unconditional trust. In a relationship trust is EARNED not lost.

So tomorrow I'm going to catch her out. There's something semi-big that I'm quite sure she lied about - to do with something one of her friend's friends told me, which was way too close to an actual event to be coincidental. This event was quite personal to me I might add. When I asked her if she'd told anyone about this, she denied it and followed with "I don't remember." Later, this changed to flat out denying that she'd said anything except some very broad stuff. I've connected the dots and I think I know the truth now - it's very simple and makes perfect sense. I'll directly ask her if my theory is the case and see how she reacts.

Finally my question: am I overreacting? Is there some way this can work? Should I give her one last chance if it turns out she's lying?

It pains me so much to end a beautiful thing prematurely, but I can just see this leading to trouble down the track

Edited by Anonymous (03/28/12 12:34 PM)

Cat wannabe

Registered: 12/18/08
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You're overreacting.

But it's only been one month, maybe you simply don't want to be with her.
However, if you truly like her but her mild hypothetical dishonesty makes you want to end the relationship, then you're a paranoid freak. Too many shrooms.

Edited by Kukaracha (03/28/12 01:47 PM)

Anonymous #1

I don't think you can really overstate the disadvantages of not being able to trust your partner. That's huge, to me. If my girlfriend tells me something, I want to know that it's true.

But yes, reading over what I wrote, I do sound quite paranoid. It's a weird thing, paranoia. You get an idea stuck in your head and then you gather all this evidence to support it, rather than it being the other way around.

Pretty scary actually.


Registered: 11/13/11
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Yeah man, you're being paranoid.

It sounds like you keep drilling her with questions trying to detect lies. She likes you and wants to say the right thing so she gets nervous and slips up.

You're trying to make it seem like it's her fault that you don't trust her. If you ask me, it's your fault that you don't trust her. You're showing her no trust by expecting and looking for her to lie.

Instead of trying to test her honesty, try to show her love, and make her feel comfortable so that she doesn't think each thing she says will be scrutinized on several levels. Lighten up with her.

?User Gallery

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Anonymous said:
It's a weird thing, paranoia. You get an idea stuck in your head and then you gather all this evidence to support it, rather than it being the other way around.

Pretty scary actually.

Keen observation.? It doesn't sound like you are going against the scientific method (except perhaps with bias, you should be neutral about the results of the data collected), however I have found that applying this method to relationships usually ends badly.
Cat wannabe

Registered: 12/18/08
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He is not applying any sort of scientific method. The bias here is as big as an elephant.

She doesn't lie about anything too big, it's little things.


I should say that there's only been one time when I've actually caught her lying - the rest have just been times when I don't think she's telling the truth.

He already has an anwser to his doubts before even doing anything.
I stand on my ground, OP is nuts. His GF didn't tell him she ate Mexican food yesterday, and now he's flipping out and wants to end the relationship.

Anonymous #1

Now you're the one making baseless assumptions. The things I'm talking about don't include withholding information - I mean straight up lying. I know she does it, it's really obvious, and if I press her sometimes she'll change her story a bit. I ask her if she's lying and she just keeps denying denying denying, but she never stops to question why I don't trust her. That to me is a bit of a red flag. Plus she answers too quickly, another dead giveaway. I learned that last one from my grandfather, a retired judge. He once asked me if I'd brushed my teeth, when I was about 12. I quickly said yes. He said he knew I was lying because I'd answered too fast.

Anonymous #2

Good for you.? I wouldn't tolerate ANY lying either, from friends or lovers.? It's possibly the most disgusting character trait that anyone can have.

Cat wannabe

Registered: 12/18/08
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So she's withholding information, right? What kind of information? Does she avoid to give you a daily report of what she has done and where she has been every hour of the day?

And of course I'm making assumptions, you're an anonymous poster on a website. Making assumptions about your girlfriend is another thing.

But of course, you should NEVER lie, if she comes back from the toilet she should tell you she just took a shit, unless she's "whithholding information".

Registered: 01/20/10
Posts: 643

Fuck all I got to was we've only been with eachother a month blah blah


That's when I quite.


Registered: 03/14/11
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i'd say talk to her first and tell her whats up. i don't tolerate dishonesty in a relationship, but to be honest she's probably just nervous about telling you everything because ya'll don't know eachother that well yet. she just wants you to like her man. and some truths are uncomfortable with people you just met. just talk to her and give it a little more time.


Drugs to try: Alcohol, Weed, LSD, Mushrooms, DMT:heart:, LSA, Ayahuasca, Changa, Mescaline, 2c-b, 2c-e, 25i-NBOMe, MDMA, DXM, Ketamine, MXE, Salvia, Kratom, and some day farrrr down the road Ibogaine

?User Gallery

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Kukaracha said:
He is not applying any sort of scientific method.

I was sort of joking, but frankly I don't think that we have enough information about the situation to actually judge his methods logical merit.

Kukaracha said:
The bias here is as big as an elephant.

..Yeah.? I said that.

OP, you should probably break up with her.? This problem will probably get worse, not better, as the relationship progresses.? She may resent you for being too nosy, and you resent her for being unnecessarily dishonest.? Sounds like a lame situation.


living in perverty
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yeah if you cant get over that it just sounds like you two are incompatible with one another.
but also, dont be expecting some perfect relationship. i mean if shes hitting 8/10 points for you, maybe just roll with that for a while, unless you want to be single, which is cool to.

i will relate with you in one way though, that my gf is more like you actually, where she would probably tell me the truth no matter what, and id be more likely to give a white lie. like saying im having a good time when im actually bored out of my mind. she gets upset at me when i do those things hahah.

just cause someone lies every once and a while, does not make them a bad person. it depends on the caliber imo.


notapillow said: "you are going about this endeavor all wrong. clear your mind of useless fear and concern. buy the ticket, take the ride, and all that.... "

ChrisWho said: "It's all about the journey, not the destination."

Anonymous #2


mick said:
just cause someone lies every once and a while, does not make them a bad person.

That's exactly what it does imo.

Cat wannabe

Registered: 12/18/08
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Goddamn hippies who think they're pure and morally irreprochable.

And then they steal an ounce of weed from their best friend. Duh.

Don't drink the Kool-Aid
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I believe the idea is to gain a realistic perspective of the situation here, yes?? So.? Here are my thoughts; I hope they help.

If you don't feel you can trust her because of white lies,? you are overreacting.? Everyone tells white lies, even you.? How do I know that?? Because EVERYONE does it.? Anyone who denies this is lying.

If she's lying about things that affect the foundations of your future together, then yes, I would be concerned.? But before you jump to any conclusions, have a frank discussion with her.? If you feel that she's lying, give her a chance to explain herself.? If after the discussion you still feel that you can't trust her, tell her so.? Decide together what to do.

Sounds like you really don't want to end this.? Try to talk openly with her, without being judgmental or condescending, and see what develops.? I believe this will lead to a much more peaceful conclusion, whether you stay together or not.

The24HourMC said:
that is compltely nothing like what the fuck i said to begin with originally in the first place.

"This is an environment of welcoming, and you should get the hell out." ~Michael Scott

I :heart: this thread!

Anonymous #1


Kukaracha said:
So she's withholding information, right? What kind of information? Does she avoid to give you a daily report of what she has done and where she has been every hour of the day?

And of course I'm making assumptions, you're an anonymous poster on a website. Making assumptions about your girlfriend is another thing.

But of course, you should NEVER lie, if she comes back from the toilet she should tell you she just took a shit, unless she's "whithholding information".

Dude, I said in plain english: I'm not talking about withholding information
Substance Enthusiast
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Registered: 07/06/09
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Im just like your girl, and my girls just like you. "withholding information" are her favorite words for me. Maybe we should trade =p 100% honesty is laughable, and its generally things that dont concern her.

Anonymous #1


Enjoywho said:
Im just like your girl, and my girls just like you. "withholding information" are her favorite words for me. Maybe we should trade =p 100% honesty is laughable, and its generally things that dont concern her.

DUDE. I don't mean she doesn't tell me things. I mean she will straight up tell me something that isn't true
Substance Enthusiast
Male?User Gallery

Registered: 07/06/09
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Dunno man, just dump her. You obviously have far too many insecurities about it.

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