Sunday, March 11, 2012

'Don't bulldoze Blue Moutain Golf Club'

Losing a popular golf course would be a huge blow to a wide range of people across Bracknell, not just golfers, say two long-term club members.

And there are fears over the future of several memorials to former club captains on the course if it is eventually bulldozed.

Dave Pack and Brent Ellis, who have been members since the Blue Mountain Golf Course in Wood Lane, Binfield, opened in 1993, are deeply upset at Bracknell Forest Council?s plans to have 400 houses built on the course as part of its Site Allocations Development Plan Document (SADPD).

The document sets out where the council wants 10,780 houses built around Bracknell by the year 2026.

It cites two areas of Binfield for major development ? the golf course and Amen Corner, which would taken another 400 homes.

Mr Pack said: ?I think there is a perception that Blue Mountain is members-only ? it?s not. It?s members and a pay-and-play course.

?It?s important to point that out as that makes it a really important local facility.

?It?s not a snooty golf club, it?s something for everyone. It offers a huge range of things other than golf.

?It?s got an excellent conference centre and it?s great for wedding receptions.

?They have had public meetings there, exhibitions, you name it. To lose it would be very sad.?

Mr Ellis added: ?What needs to be considered too are the memorials ? they mean a huge amount to people.

?When you get to the hole, people say ?morning? to the person whose memorial it is before they tee off.

?I very much hope they have thought this through because it will hugely upset people.?

The plans have been met with fierce protests from people in the village led by the Northern Arc Action Group.

The council pressed ahead with the plans, with some small changes proposing unused office sites as areas for housing, after a long public consultation.

Now, a second consultation is running which allows people to challenge the legal aspects of the documents.

Online Blue Mountain plans deleted after accidental upload

Mr Ellis added: ?With this whole housing plan, the council has completely ignored public opinion.

?A 3,000-name petition, people spending hours voicing their objections through a consultation and nothing has been listened to.

?Along with the fact a legal agreement exists which states the land must be used for recreational purposes, which the council appears to be ignoring, they have ridden roughshod over everyone who has voiced an opinion.?

Mr Pack said: ?People have bought houses next to the golf course for the views ? that could be gone.

?Losing the course would be devastating to players and the community alike.?

Members of the Northern Arc Action Group have urged people to have a say in the second consultation, as the proposals will impact on the area for years to come.

The second consultation cannot prevent building on the proposed housing sites in principle, but will ask if the plans are legally sound.

The consultation runs until midnight on Monday, March 12, and can be found on the council?s website


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