Thursday, June 21, 2012

Global Network Marketing ~ QNet Business - IR ID: HZ294310 - How ...

There is no better time than now to build a global network marketing business. Despite recent economic events the network marketing industry continues to prove itself as an attractive home based business and dominant worldwide trend.

To demonstrate the strength of the global network marketing industry in this chapter we will review some prominent network marketing countries and things to consider when trying establish an international network marketing business.

International Direct Selling Statistics

To start with, a review of the Direct Selling Industry as a whole shows that it has had consistent growth for more than 50 years with the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations now representing 58 countries around the globe and more than 62 million independent direct selling distributors.

Whilst not all network marketing companies are a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) for varying reasons, the DSA represents the largest international governing body of the network marketing industry and therefore it is able to provide us with the most accurate reflection of international growth and sales figures for the industry.

A recent DSA publication (2008) suggests that across the globe the direct selling industry totals approximately $411 billion US in annual retail sales contributing significantly to both national the world wide economies.

There is no disputing the fact that Network Marketing is one of the fastest growing industries of all time, creating more millionaires today than the 'dot-com' industry did before the bubble burst and it comes as no surprise that the network marketing business model is now being endorsed by many business leaders around the world as a proven business system for anyone who wishes to achieve financial success.

Building an International Network Marketing Business

Traditionally network marketers have been reluctant to build an international network marketing business due to the expense and difficulties in international communication. Today however through improved communication strategies and the internet almost anyone in the industry has the potential to build a global network marketing business, limited only by which countries your company operates.

To assist network marketers to build a global network marketing business, this chapter will briefly review the direct selling trends and cultures of some of more prominent English speaking network marketing countries. For more information readers are encouraged to speak to their company directly about global network marketing opportunities.

There are a number of global network marketing opportunities for those entrepreneurs looking to expand their business overseas. To assist networkers to learn about the network marketing industry of each country please find a review below.

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