Friday, July 6, 2012

Portland Chiropractor Offers an Economic Tip for Ergonomic Benefits

As a Portland Chiropractor I am interested in helping as many men and women as I can, including my many patients, to strengthen their back muscles and improve their overall balance and well-being. Why? To put it bluntly, pain in the back isn?t ?necessary. ? Your body is inherently designed for motion?stride, stroll, and frolic. Your very ?structure? makes natural labor easy. But, today, all too often we call up our body to function in ways that aren?t good for our overall well-being and commonly generate pain, particularly back pain. We generally find ourselves sitting (with bad posture!) in one position, like in a computer chair, as a requirement for the kind of work that a number of us do. Does this sound familiar? This ?unnatural? position can create many different problems, back pain is one of the most common. It is likely that you will need to modify the way that you sit, if you want to prevent back pain.

The perfect answer to preventing back pain due to prolonged sitting or in a poor posture? position is to use an ergonomic chair. This kind of ?posture-improving? chair can usually assist in preventing back pain from occurring or relieve existing back pain almost right away. Why? Because an ergonomic chair puts your spine into natural alignment. Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that such chairs tend to be rather expensive. The good news is that there is another choice; a chair that will just cost around fifteen dollars if you ?do it yourself? by using a Pilates ball! You can usually find one in the exercise department of most stores.? A Pilates ball can do excellent things for your back!

But, before you attempt to naturally strengthen back muscles and improve your balance in a healthy way, you must get out of pain, and that?s where I come in. As an highly experienced Chiropractor in Portland I can help you get out of pain quickly through the gentle manipulation of the segments of your spine, which has likely been tugged and pulled and working overtime on behalf of you and your employer!! It?s time for a few simple changes in our sitting habits once you are feeling pain-free.

So, let?s get back to talking about that ?do-it-yourself? but ?just-as-effective? posture-improving chair. Sitting on a Pilates ball whenever you?re working at the computer is an excellent way for you to get your back into shape.? The first think it does is force you to sit correctly and naturally adjust your posture so that you are not slouching and putting your spine into an unnatural curve.? Secondly, it helps to build up your core as you maintain your balance on the Pilates ball throughout your work day.

As a Portland Chiropractor, I believe in this creed for better back health: ?Straighten, then strengthen.? Let me help get your back in action! Call today!

Technorati Tags: chiropractic, chiropractor, Pilates ball


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