Monday, November 5, 2012

Using Affirmations to Change Your Life - The Self Improvement Blog

By Paul Bottoms -

It?s taken me a long time to believe in affirmations.? Most of my life the statements I?ve used have been negative.? Things like ?it?ll never get any better? or ?I?m stuck in this lousy job.? They?re very effective?-in a negative way.

But the same way the brain uses negative thoughts to create pictures of gloom and doom, ?affirmations work to improve things. They can positively affect all parts of your life, personal or professional. But it depends on what you say?-and that?s critical??and your belief while doing them. You can?t mail them in and expect it to work.

The Woman Who Changed My Mind

I?ve watched and listened to many Louise Hay YouTube videos that I can hear her voice in my head now.? Louise, who is now over 80, heads a successful publishing company, Hay House and has written many successful books selling millions of copies.? Her work has given hope to many people including myself.

She broke down affirmations so I understood them.? She says the basic problem is that people either don?t love themselves?or at least not enough. Fix that problem and everything else takes care of itself. So Louise urges people to do ?mirror work.?? ?Get in front of a mirror,? look yourself in the eye and, using your name, say?I love you Joe, I really really love you.?? Here, she says, is the result: ?It gets to that little child inside that has been rejected for so long and breaks open a dam or a door and little miracles start to happen.? Louise says affirmations are ?like planting a seed in the ground. It?s not necessarily true at the moment but it is something you want to be true.?

Affirmations in Selling

Sales people often use self-improvement books and audiobooks , listening in their cars on the way to salescalls. They?re searching for any edge to provide a positive attitude in a world of constant rejection.

Brian Tracy, a superstar in the sales field is a big believer in affirmations. He says ?all top salesman do it and all poor salesman do not.?

He tells the story of a salesman becoming a big corporation?s top seller nationwide in six months despite never selling that type of product before. When asked his secret, he revealed it was doing affirmations. He said ?when I get in my car, I just say over and over again I?m the best, I?m the best. I?m the best salesman in this company. I?m the best salesman in this industry.?

Says Brian: ?Every time we say ?I like myself? we find our self-concept goes up. Every time our self-concept goes up our ability to perform in every area of our life goes up simultaneously.?

Keep Them in the Present

Keep Affirmations straightforward and in the present tense. Use ?I am? statements, not ?I want to be,? ??I will? or ?I?m going to.?? A few examples:


  • I speak up for myself
  • I express my feelings
  • I am in control of my life
  • I am a gift to the world
  • I attract praise
  • I am loved by others
  • I am good enough just as I am
  • I love and approve of myself
  • I am a decisive person
  • I trust my inner wisdom and make good decisions
  • Find Your Own Style

Keep to a schedule if possible when doing affirmations.? But they can be done while driving, relaxing, just after waking up or just before going to sleep. Some write them over and over.? Others say them in the car or while exercising.? People write them on the refrigerator or on the bathroom mirror.? But remember, you must believe what you?re saying.

I hope you?ll apply affirmations to a problem you?re having.?? Expect things to improve then watch as they do.

Paul Bottoms is a freelance advertising copywriter who helps people find the right words to represent their product or service at He believes the power of the right word used with the right tone can achieve dramatic results in all walks of life.


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