Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How Understanding The Science Of The Mind Can Bring About Dramatic Change Into Your Life

Not many people take time to think about the science of the mind. It is easy for people to show interest for instance to news on whether or not radiations from cell phones can cause brain cancer, but other than that, the brain is not a major issue of concern.

Devoting a little more time to your mind can bring more change than you can imagine. Today's world tend to make people forget just how much their brains do for them and what they are capable of doing if fully engaged.

It is very possible for people to improve their lives significantly just by knowing the mind a little more. Knowing it helps to gain control which is very important in everything. The world today calls for people to be thorough, fast and competent. Failure to achieve leads to self-blame but simply by gaining more control we can shape our lives the way we want.

The mind can be broadly classified into conscious and subconscious. The conscious minds are the most active ones and are used almost in everything; thinking, coming up with ideas, solving problems, plan on what to do in the future to name but a few. The subconscious minds on the other hand work without our knowledge. For instance they regulate our breathing and are also responsible for creating dreams.

The subconscious minds record all information encountered by people throughout their lives. Every detail obtained from reading magazines, watching television shows, browsing and others is taken into account by the subconscious. It's unbelievable what can be achieved if there was a way to harness all that energy.

Taking control of the conscious and subconscious thoughts forms part of power of the mind. This has benefits that can lead unbelievable progress towards self-improvement. It has already discovered through research that how we think and talk about ourselves has a big effect on our happiness, health, and our lives.

Training ourselves to avoid negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones is the key to power of positive thought which is a simple but very strong power of mind. Every time a negative thought occurs, it should be replaced with a positive one. In cases where it is almost impossible to see a positive side of a situation, thinking about something in life that is positive helps. To obtain optimum results so as to train the brain to believe and accept positive thoughts, this process must be diligently done.

The working of the subconscious too can also be changed. People develop various responses to things. It is possible to consciously change the subconscious minds through positive affirmations. Affirmations are statements directed towards a part of life a person that he/she might want to create a change in. For instance a good affirmation would be "i am a honest person and will uphold honesty in my relationship".

There is a lot we can achieve simply through training ourselves to release our minds' power. We can live healthier lives, avoid stress, improve our relationships, boost our self-esteem, gain confidence and much more only if we accept to train our minds.

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Source: http://ezinearticles.com/6331311

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