Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Getting Traffic ? Using Podcasts And Youtube |

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Getting Traffic ? Using Podcasts And Youtube

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Home Page > Internet > Internet Marketing > Getting Traffic ? Using Podcasts And Youtube

Getting Traffic ? Using Podcasts And Youtube

Posted: May 10, 2012 |Comments: 0


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How do you feel about ?free traffic? methods? Are you using free traffic in your business today? Believe it or not, some people feel that free marketing is a waste of time, and that people shouldn?t do it. They will even tell you that it?s not worth it to do Youtube marketing, even though Youtube is the number 3 ranked website on the internet in terms of website traffic!

This is something that is very important to understand. I use free marketing and paid advertising in my online business, and I can honestly tell you that free marketing is definitely worthwhile. Nothing is better than getting a customer and earning 100% profits on each sale.

I consider myself to be a ?marketing renegade?. I spend hours everyday on my internet business, just to make myself alot more money, and avoid the dreaded possibility of returning to a job. If this describes you also, you should know that you will want to do everything in your power to promote yourself the right way ? even if that means doing free marketing.

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In today?s lesson, I want to share with you some free marketing techniques that you can use to take your business to the next level. These free marketing techniques are incredibly easy to use, and are things that you can do right away in your online business. In fact, let?s take a look at free marketing method number 1:

1) Podcasting

Creating podcasts are a great way to boost your sales and profits. After you create your podcast, you will want to submit it to iTunes. They are the number 1 podcast directory on the internet. But do you even know what a ?podcast? is? If so, then I will briefly explain it to you.

A podcast is simply an audio recording (typically in MP3 format) that you speak on for about 20 to 60 minutes. You will want to state your website information at the beginning and at the end of the podcast. Stick with delivering helpful information in your podcast, and submit them to the podcast directories on the internet. It can really help to boost your credibility. Here?s another free marketing method:

2) Youtube marketing

There are many people who get incredible amounts of visits to their website using Youtube. To use Youtube effectively, you will want to record yourself with a camcorder, showing your viewers how to do something. This is typically true when trying to sell information products, but if you sell physical products, you can still benefit from Youtube also.

You can either using a Camcorder, a web cam, a cell phone, or even an on-screen recording device to record your Youtube videos for you. In truth, you should either stick with a Camcorder or an on-screen recording device if you want to make Youtube work for you.

Both of these free traffic strategies can work great if you?re consistent and persistent with it. Keep doing these strategies on a daily basis, and you will see that you can have alot of success in your online business simply and easily.

Good luck with using these tips to get more new traffic to your website today.

About the Author:
Randall Magwood is one of the most respected and highly-regarded online marketing experts on the internet. He has a website about internet marketing that helps small business owners learn how to market their business online simply and easily. To learn more, simply visit his website here:
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