Thursday, August 30, 2012

Diet to Lose Weight | Healthy Nutrition Info

lose weight Diet to Lose WeightHave you ever wanted to know, how people can be fat? The most common reason is overeating, eating the wrong foods and unhealthy, irregular meal times. Actually, if someone wants to know the drug for weight loss, he had to make major changes in your diet and how to eat so forget the reasons why people can be fat mentioned above.

When talking about weight loss, people always have a thought in her mind like a figure the amount of weight they want to lower the amount of time. Let me explain one thing to you here:

Amount of weight that can be derived by a person depends on a number of factors as well. If two people follow an exercise routine the same and eat the same food, does not mean they?ll both lose weight by the same amount as well.

Run A Balanced Diet

To lose weight in a healthy way, a balance in the diet should be considered. The food we eat should be able to meet the demand of nutrients required by the body as nutrients essences, vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, calcium and fat.

Food filamentous High

In a variety of diets to lose weight, eat fibrous always been a necessity. High-fiber foods such as fruit raisins, papaya, beans, and others can help digestive process. He is keeping the stomach remains full for a long time, so that one may tend to eat less food for the next meal. Other benefits of a diet rich in fiber are good for losing weight is carbohydrates that can not be digested. When carbohydrates are not digested by the body is removed, it will bind or carry with dirt and grease. This could in turn lowers the accumulation of fat in the body, so as to lose weight.

Protein and Fat

Foods that contain high protein crate of meat, eggs, broccoli and fish are a must in one?s diet. Protein helps build muscle from fat-fat and it can help the process of weight loss. Healthy fats such as those found in olive oil (olive oil) is needed by our bodies in order to remain in good health.


Many diets for weight loss recommend someone not to eat carbohydrates in order to lose weight. However, this is not a healthy way to lose weight. Carbohydrates are an important part of the balance in a variety of foods, it gives your body energy to perform our daily tasks. Instead, one must incorporate into her diet of complex carbohydrates such as those found in brown rice, rice, cereal, wheat bread, etc..

Avoid fattening food

All foods, foods that contain high sugar, fast food, snacks with high calorie, fatty foods, carbonated beverages (soda), all types of alcoholic beverages, try to stay clear of your diet because of all the high-calorie foods and beverages is not healthy! Write on the agenda or your phone screen: Avoid fattening Foods! to always remind you. Solution when you are hungry before the main meal: drinking water or eating fruit.

Eat a Low Calorie Food

You will be surprised to learn there are certain foods that contain calories much lower than that required by the body to digest it! So, add these foods into your diet every day of the diet such as tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, cauliflower, carrots, peaches, grapes, watermelon and lemon.

Eat 5 Times With A Small Portion

If you tend to eat a lot of meals at a time, you had to leave this way, if you want to lose weight. Eat small portions and distribute your food in a couple of meals a day! 5 to 6 meals a day is the best way for our digestion than eating 3 meals with large portions. Another thing you need to remember here is the dinner you should be very little, while the breakfast your biggest meal of the day is you. These studies found that when eggs are served at our breakfast menu, can help you lose weight.

Drink Pure Water

Water is very good for your health, help digestion, keeping the smoothness of your skin and keep it shining, and also helps suppress your appetite! So, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. He will not hurt you even bring many benefits for your body, so why not try it?


As the balance in your diet, you should exercise regularly to lose weight. Moderate exercise such as jogging, swimming, cycling, or aerobics, have done for forty minutes every day in order to lose weight.

For those of you who want to find ways to diet to lose weight 10 pounds in two weeks, I suggest that you should throw away such an idea because of the way it really is not healthy. Instead, you can run a healthy diet as mentioned above as diet routines that can be done forever and will result in weight loss gradually. So apply the above tips right away to start your life in order to get the body healthy, trim and fit!


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Comments - DeansTalk - business management education

Chicago Booth School of Business, August 8. 2012

From 1945 to 1948, the United States represented an unparalleled productivity machine. It had an educated workforce, advanced production techniques, well-organized institutions, and relative stability. A period of huge growth ensued?one that greatly benefited workers. "It was a virtuous circle that worked well for a long time," said Luigi Zingales, Robert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance.

But other countries soon learned from its efficiency, and in recent years, the unfettered influence of business lobbyists has further eroded confidence in the US system. The last quarter-century has brought the largest creation of wealth in history, Zingales noted, but it has occurred mostly in developing nations.

The once-robust underpinnings of American success are getting weaker, Zingales told a group of Booth students at Gleacher Center during a Myron Scholes Global Markets Forum event organized by the Initiative on Global Markets. But the trend is not irreversible. In a plea to bolster free markets and not big business, he shared insights from his new book, A Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity.

Luigi Zingales is the Robert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business.? He is a faculty research fellow for the National Bureau of Economic Research, a research fellow for the Center for Economic Policy Research and a fellow for the European Governance Institute. He is the Lead Independent Director of Telecom Italia and the Vice President of the American Finance Association. He is the co-author of Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists and a contributing editor of City Journal.? He lives in Chicago with his wife and children.

(on Project Syndicate)

J. Bradford DeLong, University of California, Berkeley
?More than 30 years ago, Milton and Rose Director Friedman raised high the banner of small-government free-market libertarianism with their Free to Choose. Now, a generation later, income inequality is substantially higher, the globe is even more interconnected, and our partial financial deregulation has backfired badly. Luigi Zingales thus has a harder task as he tries to update the small-government free-market libertarian position for the 21st century. But he has done a very good job at it.?

Robert J. Shiller (Yale SOM), author of?Finance and the Good Society

?This remarkably creative book, driven by a strong moral conviction, offers a bold array of ideas for us to ponder, so we can really make the American capitalist model work better for everyone.?


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Breast Cancer Drug Might Help Men on Prostate Cancer Therapy ...

TUESDAY Aug. 28, 2012 -- The breast cancer drug tamoxifen may reduce some of the side effects caused by hormone therapy for prostate cancer, according to a new study.

Androgen-suppression therapy is often used to slow the progression of advanced prostate cancer. But these drugs, which block testosterone activity, can cause side effects such as breast enlargement and pain that may stop men from using this treatment.

German researchers examined the results of four independent clinical trials that examined the use of tamoxifen to manage these side effects in prostate cancer patients undergoing androgen-suppression therapy.

The study found that tamoxifen reduced the risk of breast enlargement and breast pain in men at three, six, nine and 12 months of treatment compared to men who did not take tamoxifen. Overall, tamoxifen was more successful in reducing breast symptoms than radiation therapy or treatment with the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole, which is also used to treat breast cancer.

Few of the men treated with tamoxifen stopped taking their medication during their year of treatment. Tamoxifen caused no significant side effects, according to the researchers.

The study appeared online Aug. 27 in the journal BMC Medicine.

"Not all men will suffer [breast enlargement] during anti-androgen therapy. However, if men know that there is a successful option for reducing the breast symptoms associated with treatment for prostate cancer, they may be more likely to see their doctor when symptoms of cancer first appear, and consequently reduce the number of unnecessary deaths," study leader Dr. Frank Kunath said in a journal news release.

More information

The American Urological Association has more about hormone therapy for prostate cancer.

Posted: August 2012


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Las Cumbres Observatory spectrographs acquire target robotically

ScienceDaily (Aug. 28, 2012) ? Two identical FLOYDS spectrographs, installed in recent weeks at telescopes 6,000 miles apart, robotically acquired a supernovae target this week. Due to the level of precision required and the difficulty involved, few if any, other ground-based spectrographs have ever achieved this milestone.

"This is unprecedented," staff astronomer David Sand explained. "In a matter of just a few weeks, Las Cumbres Observatory was able to install the spectrographs, achieve first light, and begin robotic operations. It's unheard of." Sand is already gathering data from the spectrographs to support his research.

The FLOYDS spectrographs -- unique for their combination of design, capabilities, and level of automation -- were named after the band Pink Floyd, specifically for their album artwork on The Dark Side of the Moon, which shows a prism dispersing white light into the colors of the rainbow. Instead of sunlight, FLOYDS makes rainbows out of distant supernova explosions and gamma ray bursts to probe their chemical compositions and inner workings.

FLOYDS, installed on Faulkes Telescope North (FTN) at Haleakala Observatory and on Faulkes Telescope South (FTS) at Siding Spring Observatory, are some of the first spectrographs designed to acquire astronomical targets, observe them, and process the data without the aid of on-site astronomers. Observations that are currently rare, like studies of supernovae and gamma-ray bursts hours after their explosion, are expected to be made routine, since the telescopes can get on-target much more rapidly than they could if they were operated by people.

While robotic imaging telescopes are becoming increasingly common in astronomy, robotic spectrographs are rarely built for ground-based observatories. This is because the opening to a spectrograph is a narrow slit, and getting starlight to fall through the slit requires pointing the telescope to better than two-tenths of an arcsecond. This is a daunting proposition -- an arcsecond is equivalent to the width of a human hair as seen from 10 yards away.

Another unique feature of the spectrographs is their ability to observe the entire visible spectrum in a single exposure. "The FLOYDS spectrographs are sensitive to light over the entire range of visible colors," explained LCOGT Science Director, Tim Brown, "including some that cannot be seen by the human eye."

Most spectrographs require two exposures to see over such a wide range, but FLOYDS uses a clever trick to double the range it captures. Light entering the spectrograph strikes a diffraction grating, which splits the light out into a spectrum. But each diffraction angle is shared by two radiant frequencies. Most spectrographs, to achieve an unmuddied spectrum, filter out the higher or lower spectrum, leaving just half the range. FLOYDS adds a prism instead, simply offseting the location of the higher frequency spectrum to a different location on the digital camera, and capturing a much wider range of colors.

Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope (LCOGT) has owned and operated FTN and FTS since 2005. To date, observing on these telescopes has been limited to imaging without spectroscopic capabilities. A team from LCOGT including lead mechanical engineer Matt Dubberley, astronomer David Sand, telescope technicians Mark Elphick and Mark Willis completed the installation of the spectrographs during June and July.

Finding New Things

Sand, who worked closely on the development and testing of the spectrographs, and who managed the installations, said "FLOYDS is the next step in understanding the physics behind time varying astrophysical events. We will be able to identify supernovae earlier than ever before, perhaps gaining insight into their explosion mechanisms. FLOYDS also allows us to monitor objects for months on end, something that is very difficult to arrange with non-robotic telescopes. Coupling robotic spectrographs into our telescope network gives astronomers a huge edge."

When supernovae and gamma-ray bursts occur, astronomers may have only minutes or hours to capture the fast-evolving details, such as observing the actual supernova shock breaking out of a red giant star. Such events have been seen only a handful of times, but these observations are critical in linking the explosions to the progenitor star, which cannot otherwise be seen. Previously, shock breakouts were only seen when the astronomers got lucky. The right observer had to be at the right telescope, at the right time, when a supernova close enough was discovered early.

But robotic spectrographs like FLOYDS can be programmed to automatically observe targets from a sky survey, and interrupt other telescope observations to get them. And by having two spectrographs on opposite sides of the globe, chances are improved that one of them will be in the dark and ready to observe in the hours immediately following a supernova explosion.

"Any time you get a new capability in astronomy, you find new things," says Andy Howell, leader of the supernova group at Las Cumbres Observatory. "This is my dream spectrograph. There's a whole universe of stuff out there we've barely glimpsed because of technological limitations. Not any more!"

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Vaginal Irritation Tight Spot Adds to the many Complex Women Issu ...

Vaginal Irritation Tight Spot Adds to the many Complex Women Issu

Article by Esteri Maina

Vaginal Irritation Tight Spot Adds to the many Complex Women Issues ? Health

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Women have complex issues that may put them in tight spots and vaginal irritation is one of them. When any part of our bodies becomes ill then our potential to work hard and excel in our endeavors is reduced. Any vaginal infection can be yardstick to woman sanity because at least in all of them you can expect a lot of discomfort and to some extent disgrace. Severe vaginal irritation can easily get you pissed off any time of intimacy, try empting your bladder or even walking because of the unthinkable pain. It can be a total humiliation to enhance the distance between your walking gadgets from the usual one yet you do not have rickets.

Vaginal irritation is experienced as soon as soreness or itchiness, attached to pain and burning, is felt in close proximity to or just about the vagina and the vulva. This vaginal irritation may be triggered by a lot of causes and one must be keen not to ignore this because it could be an indication that one could be suffering from a more grave health problem. Uncountable factors may activate the vaginal irritation. The more severe alarm would be if the irritation is an indicator that you are suffering from a vaginal infection. Being familiar with what these infections are could help you tackle and treat the vaginal irritation you are currently stumbling upon.

If vaginal irritation is not a new phenomenon and there you are convinced that your symptoms at hand are the similar to the ones you had during that previous infection, then probably you could try the self-treatment approach with a over the counter prescription medication may be effective. But before gulping those tablets, inserting some inside your vagina or even massaging that cream on the sores there an important step to take. This step involves following the instructions written on the packaging manual so as not to take erroneous dosage or expired drugs.

Generally before embarking on any sort of vaginal irritation treatment it is very of the essence to be very sure of your signs that indicate you are suffering from this vaginal infection and not the other. This is so because these vaginal infections have the tendency of portraying similar symptoms yet they vary. Numerous over counter medications may be effective in curing the vaginal infection, such as Monistat 7, among others all the user has to do is reading instructions preceding usage. Drinking acidophilus milk or eating yogurt with live lactobacillus on a regular basis may have some benefit in preventing vaginal yeast infections and hence one can avoid vaginal irritation.

There is some knowledge that believes in this fact about the powers of eating yogurt in that when this is well absorbed in the intestines, a good percentage of acidophilus will scroll out of your anus together with the excreta, and then move where you need it (vagina). However to avoid more vaginal irritation one must avoid extreme douching and sexually intercourse to avoid infuriating the situation.

If the vaginal irritation continues even after you have done your best to cure it, then the best option is to ask your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment there after.

About the Author

This is an original article written by Esteri Maina on VAGINAL IRRITATION Esteri Maina is an author with a great gift and full of inspiration.

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Esteri Maina

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This is an original article written by Esteri Maina on VAGINAL IRRITATION Esteri Maina is an author with a great gift and full of inspiration.

Visit ISAMAP.COMwebsite for more information on Health and Fitness Solutions on HEALTH AND FITNESS

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
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Tags: Adds, Complex, Irritation, Issu, Many, SPOT, Tight, vaginal, Women


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High sustainability marks for Singapore real estate |

Bedok Mall and Bedok Residences are two of eight CapitaLand properties with a Platinum green building rating from BCA's Green Mark scheme. Image: CapitaLand.

Singapore real estate firm CapitaLand this year passed a new milestone on its path to sustainability, said senior managers at a Friday press briefing.

The firm, which officially started Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives in 2000, launched a review this month of its sustainability progress and policies.

Recent accomplishments include becoming one of only four Singapore-based firms to have its sustainability report verified by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the developer of the most widely used corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting framework.

GRI provides industry-specific guidelines for firms to voluntarily rate themselves on a range of ESG factors. Companies have the option of obtaining audits from independent sources and verification of their report rating by the GRI.

Deputy chief corporate officer Tan Seng Chai said the company, which has a ?B+? rating from GRI, would like to achieve the maximum ?A+? rating ? but not if it meant excluding parts of the firm?s international operations from its reports.

The GRI guidelines require data that is not readily available in some of the areas where CapitaLand operates, he explained. The firm plans to progressively improve all of its sites in the 20 countries where operates, and that process was more important than the GRI rating, he added.

According to a 2011 study from the non-profit organisation Singapore Compact, 79 out of 562 listed companies produced sustainability reports for that year. Only six of those firms had their reports externally audited and four obtained GRI verification.

The study found that sectors such as mining and agriculture, which face higher regulatory requirements, were more likely to produce sustainability reports than other sectors.

Singapore?s stock exchange introduced voluntary reporting guidance for its members last year to encourage more listed companies to report on their ESG performance.

Meanwhile, the national Building and Construction Agency (BCA) has been raising sustainability standards for the real estate sector since Singapore set a target in 2008 to bring 80 per cent of its buildings to green building standards by 2035.

The sector has improved its CSR performance tracking and reporting alongside its growing awareness of sustainable buildings.

The Singapore Compact study singled out Singapore-based property developers such as CapitaLand and City Developments Limited for their progress in CSR reporting and said they stood out for the quality of reporting in areas such as workforce figures, risk mitigation, environmental factors and Occupational Health and Safety.

In January, the two firms became the only Singaporean firms to make the Corporate Knights annual list of the ?Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations.

Both firms have committed to obtaining at least a GoldPlus rating from BCA?s green building scheme for new and refurbished ? or retrofitted ? properties. GoldPlus is the second highest green building rating and is two levels above the standard Green Mark.

CDL, which in July obtained a GRI verified ?A+? rating on its sustainability report for its Singapore operations, regularly shares its CSR reporting expertise with other companies at sustainability seminars and workshops to show the benefits of implementing and tracking CSR policies.

Certified green buildings saved the firm and its customers about S$19.7 million in electricity costs for each year between 2008 and 2011, according to CDL data for 37 of its buildings.

CDL managing director Kwek Leng Joo said in a statement at the report?s release that efforts to spread awareness of sustainability within the industry were paying off.

?We are heartened to see increased interest and acceptance from our business peers and industry stakeholders, cognisant of the need to address more than just financial performance,? he added.

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Free Legal Question: Wills and Trusts | Florida | My name is Samer ...

Assuming he had no Will, no spouse and no children, Florida would provide that his parents would be first, and if no surviving parents, then siblings, irrespective of where they live, would be the beneficiaries. So yes, it looks like the sisters are to inherit his belongings, assuming the parents are not living.

As to the process, it depends upon what he owned and how it owned it. If he owned it jointly, ITF, or somehow named a beneficiary, then it would go to the named beneficiary with a death certificate.

If the assets are just in his own name, then those assets would have to go through a probate proceeding. The proceeding would depend upon what assets and their value.

Under the worse scenario, it would be a Formal Administration proceeding with a Personal Representative appointed. Assuming there are no estate tax issues, the administration could be completed between 7 and 13 months. If there are estate tax issues, then probably add a year onto that.

As to costs, again it depends upon the type of proceeding. If it is Formal Administration, Florida Statutes controls that in general it is 3% of the gross value of the estate for the attorney, and an equivalent for the Personal Representative (though it can also be less under certain situations). Then there are administrative costs that normally are around $750 but can be more or less.

Therefore, time, type of proceeding, time needed and costs are dependent upon the needs of the estate which can not be set out precisely at this time.

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

ArtShine: Ten business apps to help you increase productivity in ...

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Iran has duty to support Assad: intelligence official

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran has a responsibility to support the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as it fights an armed uprising, the head of the intelligence unit of Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was quoted as saying on Saturday,

An Iranian lawmaker said a legislative committee would visit Syria to strengthen bilateral relations and consult Syrian officials, the state news agency IRNA reported.

"We all have a responsibility to support Syria and not allow the line of resistance to be broken," Fars news agency quoted Hossein Taeb, the intelligence unit head, as saying.

Iran has supported Assad in the face of international condemnation over his crackdown on the uprising against his family's four-decade rule, considering his government part of an anti-Western front that also includes Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Tehran has also accused Western powers and countries in the region, including Turkey and Qatar, of supporting the rebels in an effort to overthrow Assad.

A parliamentary committee from Iran will visit Syria for two days soon to strengthen bilateral relations and consult the speaker of parliament and other officials, IRNA quoted Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of the Iranian parliament's national security and foreign policy committee, as saying.

Boroujerdi said the Non-Aligned Movement summit, bringing together 120 developing nations and starting on Sunday in Tehran, offered a good chance to discuss the Syrian crisis.

"This summit is a very good opportunity for member states of this movement to take a decision on the issue in this that the crisis would be solved soon."

(Reporting By Yeganeh Torbati, editing by Tim Pearce)


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Changing epidemiology of rare disease links sinus irrigation with contaminated tap water, 2 deaths

Changing epidemiology of rare disease links sinus irrigation with contaminated tap water, 2 deaths

Thursday, August 23, 2012

When water containing the Naegleria fowleri ameba, a single-celled organism, enters the nose, the organisms may migrate to the brain, causing primary amebic meningoencephalitis, a very rare?but usually fatal?disease. A new study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases describes the first reported cases in the United States implicating nasal irrigation using disinfected tap water in these infections. Now available online, the study highlights the changing epidemiology of this uncommon disease, as well as the importance of using appropriately treated water for nasal irrigation.

From 2002 to 2011, 32 N. fowleri infections were reported in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In this latest study, Jonathan Yoder, MPH, coordinator of waterborne diseases and outbreak surveillance at CDC, reports the work of the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and CDC in investigating two cases in 2011 in Louisiana. Two unrelated patients, a 28-year-old man and a 51-year-old woman, each died within five days of being admitted to the hospital with meningitis-like symptoms. Both had used a neti pot for regular sinus irrigation. Because family members of both patients were certain the patients had no recent history of recreational freshwater contact, which is typically associated with the disease, sinus irrigation using disinfected (chloraminated) tap water was implicated.

"N. fowleri was found in water samples from both homes," Yoder said, but "not found in the treatment plants or distribution systems of the municipal water systems servicing the patients' homes." Although it was never clear how N. fowleri were introduced into the plumbing of the patients' houses, once there, the organisms were able to colonize the hot water systems.

In addition, Yoder's team also tested commercially available reconstituted salt packets for use with neti pots and found that these were unable to reduce the number of N. fowleri organisms within a four-hour timeframe?far outside the real world conditions of less than a minute that most people spend?showing that simply adding salt mixtures to tap water does not inactivate the organisms fast enough. As a result, Yoder advises that the simplest methods to avoid infection is to purchase water that is labeled as distilled or sterile, or use only water that was previously boiled for 1 minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for 3 minutes) that has been left to cool, or use water that has gone through a filter with a pore size of 1 micron or smaller.

Many infections from N. fowleri occur in warm freshwater locations following localized heat waves. Whether projected climate change could lead to an expansion of the ameba's geographic range is unknown, the authors noted. They recommend that systematic environmental sampling be carried out to document changes in the ecology of N. fowleri so that measures to prevent its spread can be improved. It is also important to raise the level of awareness about the disease among physicians treating patients with meningitis-like symptoms, the authors wrote.

Deaths from N. fowleri infection, which remain very rare, "are tragic for the families of those infected," Yoder said. "The CDC is working to understand this organism so that we can improve prevention recommendations, identify N. fowleri infections, and improve clinical treatment."

Fast Facts

  • Primary amebic meningoencephalitis is a very rare but usually fatal disease caused when water containing Naegleria fowleriamebae enters the nose, allowing the single-celled organisms to migrate to the brain.
  • In 2011, two fatal cases of the disease reported from Louisiana occurred in persons following nasal irrigation. This is the first time that contaminated tap water coming from a disinfected municipal water system has been linked to N. fowleriinfections in the United States.
  • For prevention, health officials advise using only previously boiled, filtered, distilled, or sterilized water when making solutions for irrigating, flushing, or rinsing the sinuses.


Infectious Diseases Society of America:

Thanks to Infectious Diseases Society of America for this article.

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With the Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung brings a stylus to the iPad fight

With the Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung brings a stylus to the iPad fight

Samsung has released a new iPad-sized tablet and, of course, our Mobile Nations sibling site Android Central has a complete Galaxy Tab 10.1 review ready and waiting for you. Will it give Apple a run for their money in the large-form tablet space? Sadly, doesn't look like it. Here's Anndrew Vacca's bottom line:

The Galaxy Note 10.1 is unique and stands out among a seemingly endless sea of competitors, though not always in a good way. Samsung has stepped back and reshaped its tablet strategy, now focusing on user experience rather than specs alone, and if you keep an open mind about the included S Pen, you just might find it more handy than you would have imagined. However, we believe the $500 you'll spend on a base Note 10.1 would be better spent on two Nexus 7s. However, if you've got your heart set on a full-sized tablet, the Galaxy Note 10.1 is the way to go if you want to keep from breaking the bank.

I've used Wacom tablets for years. When I did design in enterprise software, it was the only sane way to navigate Photoshop and Illustrator on two really large monitors. I like Wacom's technology very much. I haven't had a chance to try the Galaxy Note 10.1 myself yet, but I hope, if nothing else, they've nailed the Wacom experience.

However, nailing the Wacom experience isn't going to do diddly squat against the iPad. They need to nail the tablet experience, and unfortunately it doesn't sound like they've done that. I've been using a Nexus 7 constantly for about a month now, and even that doesn't come anywhere close to the experience of an iPad, so if Samsung isn't even matching the Nexus 7, that's a big problem.

The S Pen-touting Galaxy Note 10.1 will be both a blessing and a curse for Samsung. On one hand, Samsung has created a device that stands out amongst its competitors with unique features and a truly different user experience. In the same breath, the S Pen is sure to scare away folks who balk at the idea of reverting back to a stylus. I?m here to say that love or hate the S Pen, the Galaxy Note 10.1 just may be the best 10-inch Android tablet on the market today.

And if that's truly the case, that's a bigger problem for Google and for Android.

Apple owns the 10-inch tablet market right now. Owns it in a way a market hasn't been owned since Windows began its ascent in the early 90s. Apple will probably never get to 90+% (which is a very good thing -- we want lots of competition), but when the iPad mini launches this fall, they'll likely grab a huge percentage of the 7- to 8-inch tablet market as well. Especially if the Nexus 7 is the best even Google can manage. (The iPad mini won't be a big iPod touch like the Nexus 7, it'll be a small iPad, with all the software implications that involves).

Samsung has been incredibly successful battling Apple on the phone front. They, or someone, needs to bring that same pressure to Apple on the tablet front. And soon please.

In the meantime, go read the entirety of Andrew's Galaxy Note 10.1 review over at AC, then come back and let me know what you think. What will it take to get a real iPad competitor to market?


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Buying Real Estate And May Well Avoid Some Money! | Contacts ...

Purchasing real estate? In the beginning look, this process is intricate and difficult. However, furnished with the proper know-how, the whole process of purchasing real-estate can be an pleasurable and fulfilling encounter. Have no anxiety the advice using this article may help you keep away from blunders.

It is important that you possess your home assessment done just before buying property. Getting a specialist is essential, no matter cost. If you have a pal or loved one perform an evaluation, they can miss out on something, needing you to definitely get a costly fall.

Make sure that any appraiser you are thinking about selecting has already established a number of years of experience with real estate property. Do not employ the appraiser your real-estate organization recommends. You will need to take care of conflicting pursuits. Be certain the appraiser you receive has their condition certification or permit.

Determine which goals are important while you are beneath discussions to get a real estate arrangement. Think through the questions that will need to be settled and strongly set what you need during these. Cope with your priorities first and think about some things as deal-breakers when they are not able to be solved. Remember that you are not able to anticipate to get everything you want out from the negotiation course of action let some troubles remain adaptive.

Tend not to rush into getting real estate without doing your homework. Lots of people make an effort to participate in the true estate marketplace as well fast. They wind up producing terrible acquisitions, and get rid of a large amount of money. Make time to discover more about the neighborhood, the fitness of the house, and the common real estate price ranges.

Look into the on the internet registry for local sex offenders before buying a household in an location. Gender offender details are publicly obtainable, but there is no assure that this vendor nor their representative is going to feel an burden to know a potential residence buyer for any offenders in the city. Give your self some reassurance by examining on your own.

Admittedly, profitably making an investment in this industry can be a demanding undertaking. As is the situation with any struggle, it always helps you to find out up to you can and make use of common sense. While using ideas outlined in this article can assist you turn into a smart home purchaser.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

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Valuable Relationships Are Not Transactional | Some Wise Guy

One of the earliest lessons I remember (besides ?do what you?re told?) was the importance of family. We always had each other?s back. We worked hard together and played even harder. Family came first, even at the expense of sports.


This weekend I had to teach Wheels not to manipulate his sister and it?s all the Berenstain Bears fault.

In this book there is a scene where Brother asks Sister to play action figures with him (apparently he doesn?t know his audience very well). At first Sister balks at the idea, but then realizes she has the upper hand and negotiates three games of her choosing in exchange for Brother?s one. They play together nicely for a while and entertain themselves presumably without interrupting Mama or Papa.

Every parent?s dream, right?

Unfortunately, Wheels understood the moral of the story to be about savvy bargaining skills instead of explaining bad dreams to young minds.

Wheels and I both have the similar situation of growing up as the first-born and being 5 years older than our younger sibling. This has its perks, but it also presents ample opportunity for manipulating said younger siblings who don?t know any better.

Anyway, Peaches and Wheels were arguing because they had played a game of Wheels?s choosing and it was Peaches turn. Wheels argued that since Peaches wanted to play the game he selected that it didn?t count and, therefore, he didn?t have to play her game.

Whiny voices and aggravated grunts ensued so Daddy intervened.

Relationships Are Not Transactional

First, I explained to Wheels that he misunderstood the moral of the Berenstain Bear story. He seemed a little confused or at least unwilling to surrender his bargaining power so easily. I went on to tell him that we don?t treat family or friends like a business deal. It?s important to play fair, but relationships aren?t 50/50. There is a natural give and take within the family unit, but you can?t brake everything down to an even trade.


  • Mommy cooks. Daddy does the dishes. (most of the time)
  • Mommy cycles the laundry. Daddy folds it. (most of the time)
  • Daddy brings home the bacon. Wheels takes out the trash. (most of the time)

If we tried to track everything and were constantly checking the balance of the ?scales? our focus is selfish. We want what we can get out of the ?deal? for minimal effort. If the ?scales? tip in our favor, sweet. If they tip toward someone else, outrage.

When we?re zeroed on serving ourselves like this we aren?t motivated by love, compassion or a family bond to serve anyone else sacrificially. Eventually we end up bitter and alone.


Obviously, I didn?t lecture poor Wheels with all of this. Basically, I told him:

Don?t manipulate your sister. That bear book wasn?t about making trades; it was about explaining bad dreams. Relationships are not transactional. Our family is not about ?this for that? and your sister actually wants to play with you. Go play.

?Questions: How many siblings do you have? What did you argue about most as kids? What was your favorite game?


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Cloud brightening to control global warming? Geoengineers propose an experiment

ScienceDaily (Aug. 20, 2012) ? Even though it sounds like science fiction, researchers are taking a second look at a controversial idea that uses futuristic ships to shoot salt water high into the sky over the oceans, creating clouds that reflect sunlight and thus counter global warming.

University of Washington atmospheric physicist Rob Wood describes a possible way to run an experiment to test the concept on a small scale in a comprehensive paper published this month in the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

The point of the paper -- which includes updates on the latest study into what kind of ship would be best to spray the salt water into the sky, how large the water droplets should be and the potential climatological impacts -- is to encourage more scientists to consider the idea of marine cloud brightening and even poke holes in it. In the paper, he and a colleague detail an experiment to test the concept.

"What we're trying to do is make the case that this is a beneficial experiment to do," Wood said. With enough interest in cloud brightening from the scientific community, funding for an experiment may become possible, he said.

The theory behind so-called marine cloud brightening is that adding particles, in this case sea salt, to the sky over the ocean would form large, long-lived clouds. Clouds appear when water forms around particles. Since there is a limited amount of water in the air, adding more particles creates more, but smaller, droplets.

"It turns out that a greater number of smaller drops has a greater surface area, so it means the clouds reflect a greater amount of light back into space," Wood said. That creates a cooling effect on Earth.

Marine cloud brightening is part of a broader concept known as geoengineering which encompasses efforts to use technology to manipulate the environment. Brightening, like other geoengineering proposals, is controversial for its ethical and political ramifications and the uncertainty around its impact. But those aren't reasons not to study it, Wood said.

"I would rather that responsible scientists test the idea than groups that might have a vested interest in proving its success," he said. The danger with private organizations experimenting with geoengineering is that "there is an assumption that it's got to work," he said.

Wood and his colleagues propose trying a small-scale experiment to test feasibility and begin to study effects. The test should start by deploying sprayers on a ship or barge to ensure that they can inject enough particles of the targeted size to the appropriate elevation, Wood and a colleague wrote in the report. An airplane equipped with sensors would study the physical and chemical characteristics of the particles and how they disperse.

The next step would be to use additional airplanes to study how the cloud develops and how long it remains. The final phase of the experiment would send out five to 10 ships spread out across a 100 kilometer, or 62 mile, stretch. The resulting clouds would be large enough so that scientists could use satellites to examine them and their ability to reflect light.

Wood said there is very little chance of long-term effects from such an experiment. Based on studies of pollutants, which emit particles that cause a similar reaction in clouds, scientists know that the impact of adding particles to clouds lasts only a few days.

Still, such an experiment would be unusual in the world of climate science, where scientists observe rather than actually try to change the atmosphere.

Wood notes that running the experiment would advance knowledge around how particles like pollutants impact the climate, although the main reason to do it would be to test the geoengineering idea.

A phenomenon that inspired marine cloud brightening is ship trails: clouds that form behind the paths of ships crossing the ocean, similar to the trails that airplanes leave across the sky. Ship trails form around particles released from burning fuel.

But in some cases ship trails make clouds darker. "We don't really know why that is," Wood said.

Despite increasing interest from scientists like Wood, there is still strong resistance to cloud brightening.

"It's a quick-fix idea when really what we need to do is move toward a low-carbon emission economy, which is turning out to be a long process," Wood said. "I think we ought to know about the possibilities, just in case."

The authors of the paper are treading cautiously.

"We stress that there would be no justification for deployment of [marine cloud brightening] unless it was clearly established that no significant adverse consequences would result. There would also need to be an international agreement firmly in favor of such action," they wrote in the paper's summary.

There are 25 authors on the paper, including scientists from University of Leeds, University of Edinburgh and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. The lead author is John Latham of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University of Manchester, who pioneered the idea of marine cloud brightening.

Wood's research was supported by the UW College of the Environment Institute.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Washington.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. J. Latham, K. Bower, T. Choularton, H. Coe, P. Connolly, G. Cooper, T. Craft, J. Foster, A. Gadian, L. Galbraith, H. Iacovides, D. Johnston, B. Launder, B. Leslie, J. Meyer, A. Neukermans, B. Ormond, B. Parkes, P. Rasch, J. Rush, S. Salter, T. Stevenson, H. Wang, Q. Wang, R. Wood. Marine cloud brightening. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2012; 370 (1974): 4217 DOI: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0086

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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A Safer Skateboard? This Inventor's Got It Handled

Kevin Rains isn't much of a skateboarder himself, but when he saw his son learning to snowboard, he realized that the skateboard business was in need of a product that makes it easier and safer for kids to learn.

After researching existing products and even registered patents, Rains, who was working in the mortgage business at the time, discovered there was nothing out there like what he had in mind. Rains envisioned a set of ?handles that would attach to the skateboard or snowboard with flexible tubing and allow the user to hold onto something while learning to maintain their balance.

His idea has a safety component, too. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children ages 0 to 4 years, older adolescents ages 15 to 19 years, and adults ages 65 years and older are most likely to sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI). In addition, almost half a million emergency room visits for TBI are made annually by children ages 0 to 14 years and falls cause half (50 percent) of those injuries.

Rains' product, which is called Krainkn, makes it easier for kids (and adults) to stand on and manipulate boards of all sorts while they get the hang of riding.

Getting the product off the drawing board and into production hasn't been easy. Rains built his first prototype with parts he purchased at the local Home Depot and Target. After he perfected his design, he used 3D printing technology to create an official prototype that could be used and thoroughly tested by kids at the local skate park. It was quickly clear Rains had a hit on his hands.

Now, Rains needs to get his product made. Having a mold created for mass production will cost about $6,000. To raise that money, plus what he'll need to produce the product and market it, Rains has turned to the crowd-funding site Kickstarter. His goal is to raise enough money to get the company off the ground by getting enough buyers to commit upfront. Those who commit to purchase a Krainkn product ? customers can buy just the handles or a skateboard that comes with the Krainkin handles already attached ? will be the first to get theirs when the products are made. (If Rains doesn't raise enough to meet his goal of $15,000, then no one's money will be taken and the products won't be sold that way.)

He'll be back to the drawing board looking for another way to finance his great idea.

This story was provided by BusinessNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Jeanette Mulvey has been writing about business for more than 20 years. Follow Jeanette Mulvey on Twitter @jeanettebnd or BusinessNewsDaily @BNDarticles . We're also on?Facebook?&?Google+.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

What if Google had never made Android: how would iOS 6 be different today, and who would be Apple's biggest competitor?

The title really does say it all -- if Google had never gone ahead with Android and, instead, if they'd maintained their close relationship with Apple, what would iOS 6 be like today? Would Google Maps still be there, and would it be as good as Google Maps on Android is, including turn-by-turn? Would YouTube still be there, and be as good as YouTube on Android? What other services might have been integrated, GTalk instead of iMessage? Google sync instead of iCloud? Would the iPhone 5 ship with NFC-powered Google Wallet? Would the iPad mini come with 20 GB of free space on Google Drive? How far and how deeply could the Apple and Google love affair have gone?

And who would have taken Android's place as Apple's biggest competitor? Would webOS have gotten on Verizon sooner and enjoyed all the marketing that went instead to Droid? Would BlackBerry have kept more of its user base and gained more of the not-Apple share? Would Samsung have gone all-in on Windows Phone and be neck-in-neck with Nokia for the top spot? Would Facebook or Amazon have already rushed in to fill the void?

Put your imaginations to work and give me your best guess -- where would our iPhones and iPads, and the rest of the mobile industry be today if Google had never left Apple?


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Budgeting Doesn't Require Self Control! | Home Finance Help

A statement many people wouldn?t believe when discussing budgeting but it begs the question

How much Self Control do you have?

Before we test that, let me tell you what I?m on about.

A statement I am often confronted with is

?I don?t have the discipline or self control to budget?.

My answer is to question

?Whether it is discipline/self control or something else that is needed??

Imagine for a moment you have taken a joy flight last weekend up over an area that is truly beautiful. Your up there alone with the pilot admiring the view when you turn to him to comment on how much you are enjoying yourself and suddenly the pilot has a massive heart attack and dies.

How much self discipline or self control will it take for you to land that aircraft?

You need to know how to fly the plane. Know how the controls work, what the gauges mean and have the knowledge or information to control the plane. The point is no amount of self-discipline or self-control will help you land the plane. What you need is information on HOW to land the plane (some experience would help as well!).

Apply this to money management.

Taking the flight to look at the view will not guarantee success just as applying self-control in itself will be useless without knowing where and how to apply it and what applying it is designed to achieve. You need to know when you are being successful and when you are failing to be able to ensure your success. Certainly some self control or self discipline will help but if we have the right system and information to follow they become less important.

The Self Control Test

On the question of self control here is a small test for you. Take a $5 note. Record its serial number on a piece of paper and give that piece of paper to someone who will keep you honest. Now place the $5 in your wallet (or purse) and don?t spend it! You can spend any other money from your wallet (or purse), but not the one you chose for the test. NOTE:- You are cheating if you zip the note up in a separate pouch. It must be kept where the rest of your money is kept.

If you can?t keep it there for one week you need to take a good look at yourself. If you can keep it there for a whole month I would say you pass the self-control test. You probably have the strength to be successful. If you can treat an insignificant bank note as if it is so important that you would go without a coffee you desperately need, or an ice cream for the kids when they are pestering you, or a loaf of bread or bottle of milk that you really need, then you probably have the discipline thing under control. All you need is a plan to follow. Remember, knowing what to do is just as important as having the inner strength to be able to carry it through. Discipline without information is useless. You will crash the plane!!!!

What is the point to all this?

Having some self control or discipline may help but what most of us need is information.

Information on where our budget should be today, now.

How much money should I have in the bank today to be confident my budget will not crash in the next year?

Are there any points in my budget in the next year where I need to be particularly careful?

You need a budget system that will show you these things.


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Montana Tribe Divided on Tapping Oil-Rich Land

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Elders of the Blackfeet in Montana have decided to use their land?s resources to transform a reservation scarred by poverty, but many in the group see the land as sacred.


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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pulse Gets Off To A Fast Start On The Web: 100K New Sign-Ups & 1 Million Stories Read In Just 1 Week

3.%20Pulse_logoPulse, the popular mobile news reading app for Android and iOS, made its first foray into the web last week. Today, the company's CEO Akshay Kothari told me that the launch has been a massive success for his company. Pulse signed up over 100,000 new users through its web app since it launched 7 days ago and its users have now read over 1 million stories on the site already.


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Ugandans celebrate first medal in 40 years

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) ? Uganda's only medal winner at the London Olympics cried tears of joy as hundreds of people welcomed him home on Wednesday with celebrations of music and dance in honor of the African nation's first gold since the 1972 games in Munich.

Stephen Kiprotich's victory in the men's marathon race also was Uganda's first medal of any kind since the Atlanta Olympics 16 years ago and was deeply felt by the nation. Lawmakers want to declare him a national hero and Ugandans are hailing him as a role model for their children. His boss has promised to promote him at work and $100,000 has been collected in a fundraising campaign whose goal is to collect half a million dollars for the runner's benefit.

Unknown to most Ugandans before he won in London, the 23-year-old Kiprotich returned home a star and was ushered in through the V.I.P. lounge of the Entebbe International Airport and shadowed by politicians. The athlete was saluted by a guard of honor mounted by prisons officials, the kind of treatment usually reserved for the head of state. Within hours of arriving he was whisked away for a "state breakfast" with Uganda's president.

Those who came to honor Kiprotich at the airport in central Uganda say he deserves all the attention he is getting for beating the odds to win a medal that has galvanized national pride. Kiprotich's elderly father and mother, as well as scores of villagers from his tribe, were there to greet him. Some wore yellow T-shirts declaring the athlete a savior.

"His win has united Ugandans," said David Satya, who is from the same village as Kiprotich. "He is a humble man who had humble beginnings. His parents are poor, as you can see, but he kept on fighting and today we are cheering his perseverance."

Joseph Byabasaija, Kiprotich's boss at the Uganda Prisons Service, said the athlete wept when he saw the crowd that had gathered to meet him.

"He cried tears," Byabasaija said. "I am too proud of him. He has been training very hard for the last five years.... God is great."

In a country that does not have too many obvious role models, some say that Kiprotich offers the gold standard.

"Our children will grow up knowing there is a hero called Kiprotich," said Robert Kabushenga, whose local media house launched the Kiprotich fundraiser. "We have a positive role model."

Kiprotich, who is married with two young children, worked as a prison warder, juggling his duties as a jailer with athletics. His closest relatives live deep in eastern Uganda, and those who know him well say his success came against all odds.

Kiprotich had competed in marathons before going to London, but success had eluded him. Uganda's hopes for any kind of medal at the Olympics had rested on the middle-distance runner Moses Kipsiro, but those hopes faded when he finished last in the finals.

Mark Namanya, a local sports journalist who has known Kiprotich since his early days as a runner, said the athlete "endured all sorts of ups and downs" before his victory in London. Kiprotich had tried and failed at events such as steeplechase and middle-distance running before discovering he could do well at the marathon. Namanya said that the "world started noticing" Kiprotich after he came third in the Tokyo Marathon this year.

Kiprotich was not expected to beat the well-known Kenyans who in the end settled for silver and bronze. A few meters from the finishing line, having suddenly accelerated his pace to leave the Kenyans behind, he spotted a man in the crowd holding Uganda's flag, which he grabbed and carried to glory.

Ugandan officials say they are still debating the best way to reward Kiprotich, whose win comes at a time when the East African country is celebrating 50 years of independence from the British, the reason some see Kiprotich's victory as timely for Golden Jubilee celebrations.

On Thursday Uganda's parliament will hold a special session in honor of the athlete, and parliamentarian Odonga Otto said he would bring a motion seeking to have the athlete declared a national hero.

"I watched the race with my mother-in-law and I almost jumped into the television," Otto said. "I was so emotional and came close to breaking down. I was so happy that this happened in my lifetime. These are life moments."


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Ark. man pleads guilty in teenage girl's death

FILE - This undated photo provided by the Sebastian County, Ark., Sheriff shows Lloyd Jones. Jones, a convicted rapist, pleaded guilty Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012, to first-degree murder in the killing of a 16-year-old Arkansas girl he met online. Authorities said Angela Allen's body was found inside a blue, plastic barrel on land owned by Jones' brother in western Arkansas. (AP Photo/Sebastian County Sheriff, File)

FILE - This undated photo provided by the Sebastian County, Ark., Sheriff shows Lloyd Jones. Jones, a convicted rapist, pleaded guilty Wednesday, Aug. 15, 2012, to first-degree murder in the killing of a 16-year-old Arkansas girl he met online. Authorities said Angela Allen's body was found inside a blue, plastic barrel on land owned by Jones' brother in western Arkansas. (AP Photo/Sebastian County Sheriff, File)

(AP) ? A convicted rapist was sentenced to 60 years in prison Wednesday after admitting he killed a 16-year-old girl he met online whose body was found stuffed into a blue plastic barrel in western Arkansas.

Lloyd Jones, 36, pleaded guilty Wednesday to first-degree murder in Angela Allen's death. Had he been convicted at trial, Jones could have been sentenced to life in prison.

"He will not be eligible for parole until he's 96 years old so we look at this as a life sentence," prosecutor Alison Houston said.

Jones also pleaded guilty to abuse of a corpse and other charges during the hearing in Sebastian County Circuit Court.

His defense attorney, Rita Watkins, didn't immediately return a phone message seeking comment.

Allen's body was discovered in February on land owned by Jones' brother near Lavaca, about 15 miles east of Fort Smith. Jones was charged in her death soon after.

Authorities said Jones told investigators he picked up the teenager Feb. 10 at a hospital parking lot in Van Buren after she told a relative she was going for a walk. Jones took the girl to the Arkansas River, opting not to take her to his home because "his girlfriends might become upset with him," according to court documents. He acknowledged making out with the girl at the river's edge, but "violently pushed her into the water and left her there" after she told him she was 20 years his junior.

Deputies searching for the girl found her body in a barrel Feb. 17 and medical examiners identified her through dental records. A preliminary autopsy showed she died of strangulation.

Sheriff's investigators say they found several text messages from Jones on the teen's cellphone.

Jones told authorities he used a website,, to communicate with Allen, who also had an account with that site, sheriff's investigator Anthony Sacco wrote in a report. Court documents allege that Jones also told investigators that when he and Allen were at the river, he hit her in the chest and knocked her into the water.

"He thought that (Angela) might have been unable to swim, because her arms might have been injured when she was struck," Sacco wrote.

One of Jones' girlfriends told authorities that his clothes and shoes were covered in mud when he returned home that night.

Prosecutors said that while Jones was in jail, he implicated himself by asking his father during a visit: "Did they find her?"

Court records filed in 2001 show a jury found Jones guilty of rape after a prosecutor said he held a box cutter to a woman's throat, duct-taped her mouth and sexually assaulted her. A judge sentenced him to 10 years in prison. He was paroled in 2008 and discharged in 2010, according to a prison spokeswoman.

Associated Press


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