Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Test-tube Meat -Opportunity or Threat For Traditional Agriculture ...

Test-tube meat: is it possible? is it ethical? what will happen to the agricultural industry? This was my reaction after the media reported on scientist in Holland creating hamburger-meatballs in the laboratory.

While collecting my thoughts on this development, I thought of the controversy the first test-tube baby created. This baby (Louise) is now nearly 33 years old. Today, test-tube babies are born every day. The arguments for and against this development will rage on but the scientists from the Netherlands have proven that it can be done. The pork meat they?ve created apparently did not taste to good but the hamburger meatballs apparently do.

The arguments on ethics will become less as the world struggles to meet food demand into the future. Agriculturalists are spending thousands of hours trying to figure out how we are going to feed the future. The world population is argued to double by 2050 ? hence food production should follow suit to be able to feed all the new mouths on earth. Politicians are positioning their countries more and more towards access to resources to produce food. Conspiracy theorists are suggesting that the future world wars will be fought over food and water.

Is this nanotechnology development possibly the answer to the end of hunger, world peace and the endless debate amongst agriculturalists?

The agricultural industry are probably arguing about what would happen to them if we no longer need to herd and feed animals anymore, and could rather set up more laboratories to feed the nation! This suggest to every agribusiness to keep their ears on the ground on this one. I think this one is coming to stay! Today?s generation grew up with the idea of eating Dolly and being friends with Louise; how much more will they be eager to eat meat produced in test-tubes? Today?s children, in any case, think milk comes from supermarkets and not from cows?.

Every agribusiness could probably be laboratory owners in a couple years? time. Livestock animals could, in future, be kept for delicacies for the rich, or in zoos. Read other interesting articles on agriculture and agribusiness on the Agbiz site.

Source: http://www.a1businessarticles.com/test-tube-opportunity-threat/

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